chapter 103

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Sebastian was pissed and no longer felt like explaining, but he knew he had too. Noah followed him and Sebastians annoyance grew "do not even bother talking to me until you apologize" he said and walked away. He went to his room first and grabbed the letters from a drawer, it would be easier to show Lucas.

"You said family meeting but it's only us two" Lucas commented as Sebastian walked back in.

"Yeah well Riley still doesn't want to listen" Sebastian said.

"Oh. Well what about telling her anyway, she will end up listening" Lucas suggested.

Sebastian had thought about it but it wasn't something he could just say. "Maybe" Sebastian said.

"Well it looks like a show and tell" Lucas said getting back to point of focus, he looked at the letters.

"God you're annoying, it's not a show and tell" Sebastian said.

"Well you are showing me the letters and you are telling me about them" Lucas countered with a smirk.

"Actually I am giving you the letters to look through and then I'm explaining a little" Sebastian countered.

"Same thing" Lucas muttered.

"Is it? Because from where I'm standing I have the letters and the explaination" Sebastian smirked when Lucas didn't anwser straight away.

"And you say I'm annoying" Lucas finally said and threw a cushion at him. It wasn't meant to be a serious throw, it was harmless and playful, it made Sebastian smile at how easy it was to wind up Lucas.

"As much as I find this entertaining, we do need to be serious"


Noah knew he had hurt Riley and Sebastian so although he stood by what he said, he couldn't afford for Sebastian to stop talking to him so he went back to Riley's room.

"So I apologize for what I said earlier" Noah said but Riley shook her head "you're just saying it because Sebastian made you". Noah thought for a few seconds, he realized he could get Sebastian and Riley talking again, but it would result in Noah being hated, but maybe it was worth it if they were able to fix their relationship. If he made Sebastian sound really good and himself sound bad maybe if would work.

"Yes I am, Sebastian is angry with me for what I said, what does that say about the situation"

"I don't know" Riley was a little confused at where he was going with this.

"It says he loves you, he's super protective over you, and he cares. He hasn't been trying these last few days because you didn't want him too, he's respecting the space you asked for" Noah tried.

"Riley, you know Sebastian was abused by father, you know he's going through a hard time. I know you went through similar stuff and if you ever want to talk about it we can, like I said earlier I am here for you but Riley why do it"  Noah switched his method, he didn't want Riley to hate him. He had spoken about all this and how seeing a doctor could be beneficial earlier with Riley and got nowhere.

"I already said why" Riley said.

"Yeah I get it, you hate him. I know I've been taking Sebastian's side alot but Riley I hope you know you can talk to me, litterally anytime, I said what I said because you hit him and I  got frustrated, yeah I walked in apologizing because Sebastian made me, but right now I am apologizing because I know what I said was wrong"

Riley accepted his apologize "it's fine".

"I do have two more questions Riley then I'll leave you be" Noah knew he wasn't going to get an anwser for why she was like this or why she wasn't giving him a chance, he had already tried.

"Why did you hit him. I know I asked before and you said it was because you hate him. Is that true? You don't have to explain if you had another reason but please just tell me if it's something else"

"No. I just don't want him around me" Riley said.

"Okay, second question, I heard what you said about our father not to blame and it being Sebastian's fault. He took this as you telling him the abuse was his fault. Is it true you meant it this way" Noah was afraid for the anwser, he knew it couldn't be what Sebastian thought it to be...could it?

"Shouldn't you be at that family meeting" Riley changed the topic.

"Riley, no, anwser me. Are you saying Sebastian deserved the abuse, that it was his fault"

"He's a monster, you just don't see it" Riley whispered.

Noah couldn't help the glare, he wouldn't be sharing this knowledge with Sebastian but he wasn't happy at all with her.

"What I see is Sebastian doing his best to look after us. He isn't our parent, he never was, he's our brother, he's not suppose to look after us but instead he chose to. He could have gone off on his own and done his own thing but he chose to stay and look after Lucas and I growing up, he shouldn't have had to raise us but he did. He didn't have to take you in, he could have found you good parents but he took you in, he didn't have to spend nights comforting you, all he had to do when he took guardianship of you, of all of us actually was to feed us, make sure we had a bed and clothes, he didn't have to do anything else, but he did. Sebastian is our brother, he is not a parent, he doesn't have to do any of this, so tell me Riley, does he still seem like a monster"

By the end of Noah's little rant, he was feeling done with trying. If that didn't get through to her he didn't know what.

Riley was quiet.

"Well I'm going downstairs, feel free to come and listen to Sebastian explain why he did what he did"

I realized I'm just digging a hole deeper for Riley and I need to stop because I don't want her becoming like Avery but I feel like she already has. I know you all probably hate Noah for what he has said but from his perspective its basically Riley not wanting to be there so Noah is going 'fine foster care it is'.

Yes it's wrong and he shouldn't have said it but he was angry and because of Sebastian's self harm and hate for himself, Noah got defensive not wanting Sebastian to go off and cut. He handled it wrong yeah but bare in mind the dodgy stuff they get up to, Noah was very tame at what he said because he would have said and done a whole lot worse if it wasn't Riley saying it.
And finally I wrote it because I wanted Sebastian to get protective over her.
Originally she was going to overhear Sebastian calling her his sunshine and go down to listen but I decided to add more drama to it.

Also I'm loving everyone's views on this whole situation, remember if you have different views to someone else it's okay and to share them (the siblings all have different views on this too)

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