chapter 107

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Everything seemed to be getting better between the siblings.

It had been a few days since Riley found out and she had sort of forgiven him, she understood why he did what he did and for the most part he was forgiven but the words he had said, she couldn't get over so easily. Despite this, they were on good terms.

It wasn't the same as before, they all knew there was something there now. But just being able to have Riley talk to him made Sebastian happy. He had managed to convince Lucas and Riley to see someone even if it was just a few times. He was seeing someone himself, he knew he needed it because despite how happy he was to have fixed his relationship with Riley, he was still very much depressed, the number of scars would get bigger and he would hide them well.

Riley and Lucas didn't know about his depression or his cutting. Sebastian preferred to keep it this way, they were too young to know, especially Riley who wasn't even sixteen yet.

Noah wasnt exactly seeing someone like his siblings, but he agreed to go whenever he felt it necessary. He was the most stable out of his siblings, he had never been abused, he had a healthy social life, he didn't do drugs and he rarely drunk, he wasn't feeling depressed or any mood that was concerning. He had a normal job, he had his family. He was fine. He knew he would end up going maybe due to the pressure of being the most stable and looking after his siblings but he wasn't feeling that at the moment so he didn't bother for now. He had seen a doctor several days ago now and apart from overworking the doctor didn't see anything that would be a concern. The doctor even said he was just stressed so all he had to do was not take on to much.

Lucas and Riley on the other hand weren't as fine.

Lucas was going to see someone about his past drug addiction and his anger. He was too young to remember their fathers anger and he wasn't aware of any abuse.

Riley was almost as complex as Sebastian. She wasn't depressed which her Sebastian and Noah were constantly looking for signs for. She had been abused for years though and it was in her best interest to talk to someone.

Today was that day for Lucas and Riley.
They both were reluctant but after school, Sebastian picked them up and took them to location, Lucas had complained about how he could have driven but Sebastian was unsure of the outcome for Riley, if the session went bad he might need to be around.

Once he dropped them off and they went into seperate offices with the doctor, Sebastian left the building again, sessions were usually 40 minutes so in that time he decided to do a food shop.

Noah had tried to help by taking them with him but Sebastian wasn't letting him, he had been fussing too much and so Sebastian had made Noah go socialise with his friends. Noah was very reluctant but had agreed to spend an hour with them, in response to this, Sebastian had told him if he was back within the hour he wouldn't let him in the housez1z. It might have seemed a little harsh but Sebastian  wanted Noah to stop fussing over him and spend time with his friends not just his family. Noah had finally agreed but they made a deal that Sebastian would also socialise more.

It wasn't that none of them socialised because they did, only with Riley around, Sebastian distanced himself because she was still a child who needed to be taken care off, he still saw his friends and spent time with them but not as much, and then with his mental health he distanced himself even more not thinking he deserved friends so it played a part.

All the brothers were actually very social, just they had started making more time for family.

Sebastian was quick to do the food shop wanting to get back in case the session ran short or something. He was mostly worried about Riley, even though this was an introduction session, it might bring back memories and he needed to be prepared. He wasn't too worried about Lucas, Lucas did need to see someone about everything but as far as Sebastian was concerned, Lucas had managed to quit the drugs, drinking and his anger issues were alot better, he knew they were still there but Lucas was getting better and with no abuse in his past, it would be an easier session.

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