chapter 66

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After a full day's worth of meeting, Sebastian had to go supervise a raid on a warehouse so he was pissed he didn't get to spend time with Riley.
And Noah had to reluctantly get Miles food, it wasn't that Noah didn't want to get food, it was just that he was concerned about Lucas and Riley.
"You know you can ask if they want to meet us" Miles said sending Noah's concern. He also wanted to meet their sister.

The brothers were all protective of her and didn't like talking about her to their friends because they didn't want to take any risks but of course they still talked about her because they couldn't help it.

But Noah especially saw a difference in Riley, he was the first one to meet her so he knew how much she had changed so much and he figured she was ready to meet friends without panicking.

Noah:  Miles and I are getting food if you and Riley want to come, Sebastian is still busy with work so won't be in till later

A few minutes past and Lucas replied.

Lucas: sure, where should we meet you

Noah turned to Miles and asked where he wanted to go, once they decided, he gave Lucas the location.

So they all met outside the eatery.
Lucas had told Riley that Miles would be there but since she had never met him, she was nervous.

Miles was excited to meet Riley, he saw the change in Noah and even Sebastian so he wanted to see for himself.

"Hey kids how was school"  Noah asked.
Miles couldn't help but laugh at how much Noah sounded like a parent.

"It was good" Riley said quietly, she was nervous.
"And what about you Lucas" Noah was worried more about Lucas, he didn't want him to go back to his old ways or worse.
"It was good actually, Ill tell you later" he said not wanting to share in front of Miles. Noah understood why and nodded.

"Riley this is Miles, Miles this is Riley" Noah said as he put his arm on Riley's shoulder.

"It's great to meet you"  Miles said offering his hand for a handshake.

"It's nice to meet you too sir"  Riley quietly replied.

Noah couldn't help but think how bad of a idea this was, she wasn't healed enough.
He didn't want her calling anyone sir, even though it was probably out of respect, he hated what that word meant for her.

"You can call me Miles, sir makes me sound like an old man" Miles replied, he obviously didn't know about her past so he just thought it was Riley being respectful.

This wasn't the case, Riley was nervous, new people meant new rules, new environments were never good and she was scared.

"If you want Lucas can take you home" Noah whispered so only she could hear.

"It's okay, I need to meet new people at some point" she told him and he nodded.

"I'm proud of you Riley" he whispered.

They soon headed inside and ordered. Miles and Lucas ordered so much, whereas Noah and Riley had a smaller meal.

Thankfully Lucas was there to cause less tension because all he did was playfully insult Miles and Noah, but they insulted him back.

Riley remained on neither side, she was just watching. Meeting new people didn't seem so hard now and she knew it was because of her brothers.

Unfortunately she couldn't remain quiet throughout because questions were asked every now and again and they would try get her involved in the conversation.

Although she didn't hate it, she was glad when the time came to leave. She didn't like being surrounding by men, sure she lived with three but they were her brothers, the only acception and her classmates didn't count because they were similar age. The only reason she got through this meeting was because of her brothers.

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