chapter 101

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"so how did it go" Sebastian asked as both brothers re-entered the waiting  room.

"I should be asking you that" Noah said.

"How did it go Noah" Sebastian asked again, this time in a firmer tone, he was concerned about his brother and wanted anwsers.

"It went fine, in fact I knew you wouldn't believe me so I got the doctor to come  out"

Sebastian smirked "that's funny I did the same"

The doctor for Noah came out first, usually they would be strict about confidentiality but they had permission from the brothers.

"So Noah said he knew you would pester him for information so I've just come to reassure you that your brother is okay, I will like to see him for at least one more session just to make sure but my initial assessment of him is that he is okay but he is stressed as he has been dealing with a lot. Now this isn't something to be concerned about however it is important for Noah to find an outlet to de-stress as we don't want any bursts" The doctor informed Sebastian who at hearing this was already planning on cutting Noah's hours at work. He couldn't make it less stressful at home as Riley refused to be in a room with him, so he was of little help there when it came to looking after her.

"Thank you doctor" Sebastian said, the doctor nodded and left.

"I'll cut down your hours" Sebastian stated but Noah glared "you will not. If you do that means you will work more"
"Then so be it,I don't want you getting to stressed that it effects your health. I've run the company on my own for several years before you started to help out, I can do it again" Sebastian said.

"You can cut an hour off but no more than that" Noah knew Sebastian would do it with or without his approval so he decided to compremise.
"Fine but if you need more, you can tell me and I'll cut it even more" Sebastian agreed.

The doctor for Sebastian walked out not long after,she had taken a little longer to come out as there was much more to be looked at.

"And you must be Noah" she said smiling and offering her hand for a handshake.
Noah shook her hand "it's a pleasure"
"So as you are aware Sebastian is cutting which is a big concern, I am addressing this first as it's important to help him through this, I have suggested a few things he can do instead, on initial assessment I believe him to have depression and so I will be advising he concider anti depressants. I would like to schedule a few more appointments at appropriate times. Additionally Sebastian did mention his siblings, with Riley's age and her past I am recommending a child psychologist, I have given Sebastian the number, and for Lucas, I believe the doctor you just saw would be of great help, there is also meetings on Tuesday nights that may help him" the doctor said and Noah nodded "thank you doctor"

"And although Sebastian hasn't gone into detail he did mention an argument with words said that resulted in Riley not wanting him around, for this I would suggest family therapy" the doctor finished.

"Great, we will keep it in mind" Noah replied.

They then said their goodbyes and left. Sebastian was quick to take the keys from Noah once he got them from his pocket.
"Seriously, driving isn't stressful" Noah said knowing at that moment, Sebastian wasnt going to let him do most things now.
"What if I tell you I like driving" Sebastian said and Noah rolled his eyes "whatever Sebastian, let's just get home"

Halfway home, noah decided to call Lucas, he made sure it was connected to the car so Sebastian could hear too.

"Hey are you coming home yet" Lucas said after picking up the call.
"Why? What's wrong?" Sebastian replied.
"Sebastian? I thought I was talking to Noah as it's his phone, but to anwser you're question, nothing is wrong I'm just wondering since you two rarely leave us alone" Lucas didn't know what his brothers were doing but he knew it must have been important.

"Yeah we are on our way home now. Have you eaten because we can pick something up on the way home if not"

"We got pizza, we also got you both pizza too" Lucas said.

"Great, thank you" Noah replied.

"Is everything okay" Lucas knew it wasn't.

Noah looked over at Sebastian, who glanced at him. Noah put the phonecall on mute "we need to tell them, if not them at least Lucas should know"

Sebastian shook his head "they can't know. Please Noah don't tell them. We can tell them about father but not about this, they can't know" Sebastians voice cracked as he spoke.

Noah nodded "okay Sebastian"

He unmuted the call "we were just at a meeting" he told Lucas who accepted the anwser but knew there was more to the story.

"We are almost home so I'm going to end the call" Noah said.

The rest of the drive was quiet, both brothers in their own thoughts. When Sebastian finally pulled up the drive, Noah spoke "are you going to be okay" he asked. "Yeah, I'm not planning on doing anything if that's what youre asking"

When they entered the house, it was quiet, maybe a little too quiet. "Do we check on them or do we enjoy the peace and quiet" Noah asked.
"I suppose we best check on them" Sebastian said, he rather just enjoy the peace and quiet though.

They walked further into the house, a pizza box was on the kitchen table so both brothers grabbed a slice. "We could eat first, then deal with any problems, Lucas did say everything was fine about 15 minutes ago" Noah suggested.
"Yeah okay, they are probably doing their homework anyway" Sebastian agreed. He knew Lucas would have questions and he wasn't prepared to anwser them.
They had so much to talk about but Sebastian wasn't ready.

Sooo the other day this book reached its 100th chapter, thank you for still reading if you got this far. I have lots of ideas for this book...remember Liam I think it was, he's still got his own little story arch with Clara and friends... but as it's already on 100, a sequel is likely. Also I am going to be doing more aesthetics as the relationships have changed.

Who's relationship does everyone like best.  So far I'm liking writing Noah and Sebastian, that's probably the reason they have become the point of focus.

Sebastian/Noah 😍

Riley /Noah

Lucas/ Noah

Sebastian/Lucas  (I need to write these two more)



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