chapter 24

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Sebastian saw. I had dreaded the moment he came back up those stairs, instead of shouting at me, he had hugged me.

My fears had disappeared but after we ate lunch, he had to go again. I didn't want him to leave.
"Please don't leave Sebastian" I say not wanting to be without him.
He looks conflicted, Noah who was still annoyed that he knew nothing about this morning decided to speak up "I can go if you want" he offered but Sebastian shook his head. "I need to be the one" his tone made me shiver and even Noah gulped "of course" he said. Sebastian was angry still, probably at me for letting it happen. "I'll be back in a few hours, make sure all your stuff is packed. Riley if you want to say a proper goodbye to your friends this is the time to do it" Sebastian said. "I think I rather just stay here" I reply not mentioning that I had no friends. "Ok that's fine. Noah is in charge but if he is a dick you tell me okay"

""I'm going to go pack if you need me come get me" Noah spoke after Sebastian left. I decided to do the same and so we went out separate ways and began packing. It only took me about 10 minutes and I was done.

As I look around the bedroom I can't help but compare it to the room Kevin made me stop in.
Do I even deserve a room like this?
I don't deserve a bed, a blanket is enough.

Whatever happened today had sent my brother off, the way he spoke even gave me shivers. He was leaning into his monster side, the side that showed no mercy, that would tear you apart with his bare hands.
I saw how much Riley clung to him as they entered, how his hand tightened out of protectiveness. Something had happened and I wanted to know.

After he left I decided it be best to go pack to avoid questioning her, I didn't want her to feel forced into telling me.
It didn't take long so I decided to go check on Riley and ask her if there was anything she wanted to do.
When I got in her room, I saw her staring at the bed, deep in thought by the looks of it with tears running down her cheek.
"No please don't" she whispers as I put my hands around her, pulling her into a hug from behind. "It's just me Riley" I say as I turn her to face me. "I'm sorry" she says trying to stop crying. "It's okay to cry, to let go of the pain" she nods and doesn't even bother to stop the tears making me hold her tighter.
Whatever happened must have been worse than I could imagine.


I sat down and not even a minute later Kevin walked through. He sat across from me with a smirk that I wanted to knock of his face.

"I don't appreciate my little sister being abused" I start trying to show restraint.
"So that little bitch has family" he snickered.
"Yes and you have messed with the wrong family. I have men on the inside and they are going to fuck you up. And once I'm satisfied I will come fuck you up myself, I will beat you black and blue like you did to my sister. I will have you totured then I will torture you myself. Your life is in my hands, if I wake up one morning wanting your torture to end then I won't hesitate to kill you. And just to show you how much power I have" I told him, my voice was laced with hatred so much so that I saw a glint of fear even in the guards eyes when I turned to them "take a walk" I told them , they were about to protest but then realization of who I am clicks in and they leave. "I am the one keeping you alive right now" I tell him as I begin throwing punches.
"The" *punch*
"Only" *punch*
"Reason" *kick*
"Is so" *kick
"I can"*punch*
"You" *kick*

This sick bastard was going to die, he will wake up every morning wondering if today would be the day.
He tried to fight back but I either blocked his attacks or pushed him back down.

I grabbed the pocket knife I had, because when you have as much power as I do, the guards feared telling me no.
There was rumours about me and despite telling the social worker they weren't true, they all were. Every story was true but no one had evidence and no one wanted to confront me, they didn't want to know. Hence I easily got a knife in here.
I lifted up his prison jumper and used the knife to carve my initials into him
Now everyone will know to mess with him but not to kill him.
I pretty much signed his death sentence.
He screamed and shouted for the guards but they weren't going to come.
"How does it feel to know not even the people who get paid to watch you, don't even care enough to stop this" I slammed him against the wall.
"You are nothing. You will always be nothing"
"Bet that bitch didn't even tell you how much she enjoyed it"

And here was me planning on leaving. Not anymore.
"Yeah you wanna watch your mouth. I know she hated it" I gave him a few more punches.
"No she loved it. Begged me everyday"
I grabbed my knife and cut a chunk of his tongue off. I wasn't going to leave him unable to talk as I wanted to hear him beg, I wanted to hear him scream and then I will remind him that he is worthless, that no one will help him.

I gave him one last beating and threw him against another wall.
"Now look what you did, I have blood on my suit" I say noticing a few specs. It was nothing compared to him. He probably had several broken bones and tons of bruises, his eyes were swollen shut, he had blood dripping down his back, face and arms, he was a mess. "Don't think I'm done with you. I give the order and you die" I tell him and walk out. Leaving him bloody and bruised.

A guard approached me shaking as he did. "W..we stopped the c...cameras from running. S..sir" he told me and I nodded. "He got into trouble in the yard, no one saw anything" I tell him and he nods "yes sir, a...anything else" he asks and I nod. "He doesn't receive any medical help" the guard looked unsure and that pissed me off "he abused a child, he does not get medical help" I state clearly and the man nods but I see a hint of anger in his eyes, probably at Kevin.

I leave after that and make my way back to the hotel. We would be leaving soon so I had to pack, I had to make sure Riley has something to eat before we leave.

Meanwhile 3rd person

As Sebastian drove back, his anger was still there but he was beggining to calm down however back at the prison, Kevin was trying to complain to the guards about his visitor, but the guards had other plans. They knew who Sebastian was and didn't want to get on his bad side so they stopped the cameras when the head guard found out about the abuse, he was furious at the prisoner, so much so that the cameras stopped working for a second time.

Whilst all this was happening, Riley was still a mess, she hated it here, she saw the anger on Sebastians face and she was convinced he now hated her. Noah tried to comfort her but it wasn't working, only Sebastian could make her sadness and fear go away.

As the saying goes speak of the devil and he shall appear. Sebastian walked in, his anger was still there which concerned Noah but at least it had died down.Sebastian took one look at his siblings, Noah was hugging Riley and his anger turned to concern.
"What happened" he asked Noah who was hesitant but anwsered, now was not a time to anger his brother "I walked in to see if she needed help packing and she was staring at the bed crying"
Sebastian had several ideas now and each one he hated. He looked over at Noah agsin who looked worried as hell. He knew telling him now would result in another trip to prison but as much as he wanted Kevin dead he wanted to torture him first.
"Maybe you can calm her" Noah suggested, he knew Sebastian had an idea what was going on but now wasn't the time to ask questions.
Sebastian nodded and as Noah let go, he pulled her into a hug.
After some time she stopped and thankfully so as both Noah and Sebastian were growing concerned by the second.
"Don't hate me Sebastian" she mumbled and Sebastian held her tighter.

"I could never hate you, you are my-our sister, no matter what we will always love you."

Sebastians cold and pretty much dead heart clenched with sadness as he spoke. He hated correcting himself to include his brothers but he didn't want her to think they didn't love her.

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