chapter 54

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Sebastian had gone to work after the school meeting but he didn't stay long as the social worker was due so he went home and made sure everything was okay.
He would love nothing more than to rip the social worker apart but he couldn't do that.

Instead he had to be nice and welcoming. Just as he was locking the safe which he had put his personal guns in, the door bell rung.

He put on his best fake smile and headed downstairs. He opened the door and with a fake cheerful voice he spoke
"Miss Harrison, welcome, please come in. I trust your journey was pleasant"
"It was indeed, thank you" Miss Harrison replied cheerily. She wasn't a bad woman despite what the brothers thought of her. She had heard the rumours and at first she believed it to be a good idea but check ups were needed and as the time approached for the first check up she had dug deeper and she had come to the conclusion that Riley was better somewhere else, that was before the first visit, after the first visit and seeing Sebastian's anger she was certain that would be flying back to Florida tommorow with Riley.

It would have been custom to pass Riley on to a social worker in New York but she knew they wouldn't do anything as the rumours meant everyone feared the brothers especially Sebastian.

"Riley is just at school at the moment but allow me to show you around"
It was killing Sebastian being nice to the woman but he did it anyway.

"That would be great" Sandra replied with a smile, she was thinking this would be her chance to find something.

They were almost at the end of the tour, Sandra had been shown all the rooms apart from the bedrooms because Sebastian deemed them off limits as they were personal. He didn't want the woman in Riley's personal space and quite frankly he didn't enjoy her scrutinising every little thing.

"Well all seems good, how about you show me Riley's bedroom"

Sebastian resisted the urge to clench his fists.
"No. That is Riley's decision" he replied.
"I must insist"

Sebastian was pissed off even more now. This woman before him thought she could demand to see Riley's bedroom after she allowed her to sleep in that basement. He was furious just thinking back to what he saw.
"It is Riley's room and I am not going to let you in it. You don't even deserve to be here, you allowed Riley to live with a disgusting worthless piece of trash"  Sebastian said in such a menacing tone it sent a shiver down Sandra's spine.
This was Sebastian having control over his anger, this was the nice Sebastian, even he could cause fear.

The monster side of Sebastian terrified people, it had people begging for death.

But this, this was Sebastian masking his anger and being polite whilst angry. He still had people trembling in fear as seen with the social worker.

The front door opened and most of his anger was gone, Noah walked in with Riley. "Lucas is just on the phone, he will be in soon" Noah said with a fake smile, he too was pissed.
Noah didn't know that he and Riley had just walked into a lion's den.

"Riley how have you been" the social worker asked.

"Fantastic and how have you been miss Harvey"
Riley wasn't usually one to disrespect overs but this woman scared her and annoyed her, all because she wanted to take Riley away.
Noah snickered at the disrespectful behaviour, again he was thinking about how much alike Sebastian and Riley were.
The social worker looked horrified at Noah's attitude and it clocked on to Noah that being the adult he needed to set a good example, he didn't want this to be a reason why she finds an excuse to take her away.

So being a good responsible adult he spoke up.

"I'm so sorry miss Harvey, gosh Riley, you need to respect the elderly"

He said it in such a way that Riley had to cough to hide her laughter.

"It's Harrison. Sandra Harrison" the woman was annoyed now. After being missnamed and referred to as an elderly person it really did annoy her.

"Sasha was it" in walked Lucas, he had heard a little of the conversation and he was quite proud of Riley, she was becoming mischievous more and more and he was happy with it.

Riley couldn't help but laugh this time and Lucas joined her.

Noah was trying not to laugh but he too failed.

Sebastian was too angry to laugh however his anger was minimal, he smiled fondly at his three siblings. He was happy, and this moment was something he didn't want to end. He was glad Sandra was here just to see his siblings bond over taking the piss out of her.

"What kind of house are you running, maybe it's best if we look at taking Lucas too"
"He's 18, he's too old" Noah stated.

But the moment was ruined for Sebastian. How dare that woman. How dare she come into their home with the intention of taking Riley, demand to see her room after not caring where she slept for years and then express interest in taking Lucas.

"My siblings aren't going anywhere with you. Riley why don't you go show Lucas your new rug" it was the first thing that popped into Sebastian's head. He wanted Riley to take Lucas to her room to piss off  Sandra.

Riley looked confused but didn't question it, she didn't have a new rug but she knew Sebastian probably had a motive.

Sandra looked annoyed and it pleased Sebastian. "He shouldn't be going in her room"
Noah had become serious now "and why is that" he asked not liking where this conversation was going. "They are both different genders, it is not healthy"

"Lucas I just remembered I don't have any milk, go to the shop and take Riley with you" Noah spoke not taking his eyes off Sandra.

"Lucas grabbed Riley's hand and hurried her out. He sensed his brothers weren't happy and he didn't want Riley in their presence when they were like this.

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