chapter 64

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Riley woke up confused, she didn't remember going to bed , she was scared at first and double checked her surroundings, once she realised everything was okay she got up.

Checking the time she saw how late it was so she decided to get up and see where Sebastian was. She felt numb and she needed him and with the loss of time she was still confused.

She made it downstairs and heard talking so she followed it, she found Sebastian sat in the living room with his laptop and talking on the phone. It sounded like he was in the middle of a business call so she didn't speak instead she quietly came and sat next to him. His focus went straight to Riley and he smiled, he wrapped his arm around her and she leaned into him. He carried on with the business call as it was important but he tried to cut it short.

Once it finally was done he put his phone away and closed his laptop putting it to the side, he did notice Riley was looking at what he was typing not that he minded, he liked that Riley was comfortable enough to look over and see what he was doing.

"How are you doing " he asked Riley.
"I'm ok I think" Riley said, she might have been confused about the lost time but she remembered what had caused her to feel the way she had.
"Would you like to talk about it" Sebastian asked.
"Just something that guy said that triggered a memory, I don't really want to talk about it more" Riley hoped he wouldn't ask much more questions.
"Ok that's fine but if you need to I'm here, I'll always be here"
Riley smiled, she really did enjoy Sebastians company, she thought back to when she first met him, she never expected them to be as close as they were.
"I don't really remember what happened, I went to my room and I know I broke down " Riley said, she tried to remember what had happened.
"Well Noah and I came and comforted you" Sebastian said. He understood the frustration of lost time. He had suffered plenty of it in his childhood.
Riley started to remember little bits and she felt horrified with what she remembered.
"Hey what's wrong" Sebastian said noticing her change.
"I'm so sorry Sebastian, please don't hate me, I didn't mean to say what I said to you and Noah in the bathroom"
"Riley we know, we don't hate you and we never will"
"I need to apologize to Noah" Riley said feeling guilty.
"You don't need to but if it makes you feel any better you can later because he went out with Lucas"
"Oh right, where did they go" Riley asked.
"Well they just went out to do something, it's up to Lucas to tell you" Sebastian said.

Lucas had  gone to report online harressement. And since Noah had the screenshots he also went and of course for support.
But Sebastian wouldn't tell Riley that because it was up to Lucas to tell her, it took alot for Lucas to tell him and he didn't want to break his trust.
Just like he wouldn't be telling Lucas about Kevin, he wouldn't have told Noah but Riley told him so from there he did share things.
If one of his siblings came to him with something important, he would never share it with the others without permission.

Riley accepted this as an anwser as she knew somethings weren't meant to be shared.
"In the meantime, I heard you were curious about the third floor" Sebastian said.
Riley gulped. Noah had told him. "I'm sorry I know you said I couldn't go up there, well Noah said that but I was just wondering about what's up there. It doesn't matter though"
"And that's okay, we can go take a look now. I don't allow you up there because alot of business meetings take place up there" Sebastian said. "I've never seen anyone in the house apart from you three" Riley was hesitant to believe Sebastian but she did. "That's because the house is off limits there is another entrance" Sebastian said and stood up. "Let's go have a look"

And so Sebastian took Riley up to the third floor, at the top of the stairs was a hallway and the door had a keypad. Sebastian pressed in the code and it opened.

Sebastian and Noah had been right, it was just offices and 2 meeting rooms, all had glass walls so she could see through them.
"Why is it so important I don't go up. Noah made it sound life and death" 
"Because there is lots going on every day and we don't want you distrubing them"
"Why aren't these done at your buildings office"
Sebastian smiled, Riley definitely was smart.
"Because these are more personal, we don't have them at the building they should as its only small and there is a lot going on" Sebastian explained watering down the truth.

The truth was mafia meetings were held here about finance and expanding business, any upcoming threats and threats that have been dealt with.
Overhearing any of that and Riley would find out how bad they really were. They never did it in the warehouse because the warehouse was only used as storage and cells, a medical bit and just a lounge it had small meeting areas but that was really only for pre raid meetings.
Sebastian had added the code lock days after Riley first came, he didn't want her up here and he had started to think that another meeting place might be best but this was working out just fine.
"What's in that room" Riley asked referring to the only room that she couldn't see into.

Guns. Weapons. Anything dangerous.

"It's a storage closet, come let me show you the other entrance I know you're hesitant at believing me"

Sebastian then led her to the door at the end  and they left into another hallway, they went down the stairs and arrived at the side of the house outside.

"See nothing to dangerous" Sebastian smirked.
"Thank you for showing me" Riley said, she felt much better now that she knew what was up there.
"And thank you for asking instead of just wandering up"

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