chapter 102

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Sebastian and Noah decided to check on their siblings, with Noah checking Riley for obvious reasons and Sebastian checking on Lucas.

He found Lucas in his room studying, it was an odd sight as Lucas never studied but Sebastian knew it was probably because he would be graduating in several months. As he thought about that he couldn't help but feel a little emotional. He had practically raised Lucas and it wasnt long before he would graduate.
He felt old.

"Youre home" Lucas stated as he turned to his brother.

"Yeah thanks for the pizza" Sebastian said.

"No problem, it was your money after all, it's the least I can do" Lucas replied with a smirk.

Sebastian rolled his eyes at his brother "jerk" he muttered which caused Lucas to smile. They had a very childish way of insulting each other. "Thanks you really know how to make me feel special" Lucas sarcastically commented and Sebastian gave him a look which was a cross between are you mentally okay, why do I bother and how am I related to you.

Sebastian had a different relationship with each of his siblings, up until a few months ago, his relationship with Lucas was filled with Lucas being reckless and Sebastian scolding him for it, but now that he didn't have to scold him, their relationship simply was Lucas taking the piss out of Sebastian and Sebastian returning the favour.

Both of them had a rivalry with Sebastian always winning and Lucas never giving up.

Sebastian had realised he didn't mind their petty arguements which were in good faith,  even now when he was open about his feelings , he still made time to insult Lucas.

With Noah it was always serious conversations, they had a great relationship, Sebastian considered him to be the closest person to him, someone who he could share things with and he trusted and relied on him deeply.

With Riley, their relationship was pretty much non existent now but before they had a great relationship however Sebastian had to be careful what to say and how he could act around her, he knew had been in a fragile place so he wasn't about to say something that she would take seriously.

With Lucas though, Sebastian often said whatever he wanted because let's face it, he wasn't going to let his little brother get the best of him, ever since he showed up at their school and embarrassed Lucas, Sebastian had realised how much he enjoyed doing it.
Both brothers got under each others skin in a playful way. With both of them throwing snarky, meaningless and  sarcastic insults back and fourth.

"So where did you go" Lucas asked, he was a little unsure on whether he should ask but decided he might as well.

Sebastian wouldn't tell him where, they may have a petty rivalry and Lucas was old enough but Sebastian didnt want Lucas to find out, he wanted to protect him from the truth, he wanted Lucas to see that he could still rely on him.

He felt if Lucas knew, he would see him different, he didn't want that.
"A meeting, is everything okay here" Sebastian shut the topic down before the conversation could even begin.

"Riley is fine if that's what you're asking. We got home, we ate pizza, we both went to do homework, and yes I checked on her a few times" Lucas replied.

Sebastian was relieved at this information but it wasn't what he came for. "And are you...fine" Sebastian asked, pausing to decide on a fitting word, in the end he chose the one Lucas used to describe Riley.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be, is something going on Seb...Bastian" Lucas asked, quickly finishing Sebastian's name, hoping he didn't catch on to the nickname almost.

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