15- Three musketeers

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I put my hand in hers, and she quickly but carefully pulled me up from my seat.

In an excited voice, she said," Come on, dad's sister is coming with her family to officially meet you."

She pulled me along her as she descended the staircase.

Her excitement clearly showed on her face, but the same couldn't be said for me.

I clearly never signed up for the extended family.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't see when we reached the living room.

The living room was packed.


It wasn't packed, full. But there were many unnecessary people there.

Huff, nosy relatives.

I despise them.

Hope they are not typical.

There was a lady, a man and three young boys in their early 20s.

The lady looked elegant and mature. She should be in her late 40s, but she looked like she was in her early 30s.

It was clearly shown that she took care of her skin and body.

The man had a healthy body, his belly was bulging a little, but he wasn't fat per se. He has tanned and rough skin. He looked like a tough guy who wouldn't smile at you for being polite.

The first boy looked cold and aloof, giving an 'I don't give a fuck' vibe- he shall be called Elsa.

The second one was clearly giving the vibes of a 'fuckboy'. But the aura he emitted was a little different like he was showing a hint of innocence.

The third boy; Oh he was definitely gay.

I don't know how I knew, but I think that it was my natural instinct to know about someone's character.

He looked like he was angry all the time and did not want to be there. We will call him rage boy.

"Oh there she is, Elora, this is jasmine buaa, this is happy her husband. And her three sons, we call them the three musketeers."

"Boys introduce yourselves," jasmine b...buaa said?

What do I even call her?

Ugh, the relations always get messy.

Leave it I'll just call her aunty as I do to everyone.

"I am Aakash. The oldest," said Elsa.

"I'm Akhil. The middle child," said the fuckboy.

"Ahil, the youngest." Said the rage boy

Geez, What's up with these boys.

Seems like they have long sticks up their asses.

'Or maybe they have a problem with you being their new sister in law.' Anna said.

"Hey! Behave. She is your sister in law." Jasmine said using a stern voice, and the boy's tense postures instantly relaxed.

They looked like puppies.

But I knew there was nothing alike.

With only one glance, I could tell that they were mischievous.

Hmm, mischievous triplets, they could be called the three musketeers.

Jasmine opened her mouth to say something, but the triplets were faster.

"Mom, we want to talk to our sister in law, alone. Maybe we could bond faster that way." Elsa said.

The other two nodded in agreement.

The others looked at each other and gave a small laugh before they agreed for us to proceed.

As I turned around, I saw all of them exchange a mischievous gaze as if they knew something.

But I just shrugged and followed the excited little puppies. 


Hey, lovelies!

It's my birthday today, so I just wanted to update something.

I'm also sorry for being lazy and not updating regularly.

I will try to update as much as I can.

Hope you enjoy this. 

Quick Question:

When is your birthday?




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