Last epilogue

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I'm giving the readers what they want😭
Also I hate to be that person but, I'm writing a new book . If you liked this one then hopefully you'll like that one and maybe check it out!! Thank you for all the votes and reads, I really appreciate it :))

Lily's pov

My dad and I stood behind the door, and he looked at me lovingly.
"Are you ready?" He asked, and I heard the music start playing from the other side.
I nodded, and he embraced me, giving me a soft kiss on the head.
"I'm so proud of you, lily."
"Thanks dad." I reply, savouring the hug.
He pulls away and links his arm with mine, just as the doors open for us. Everyone's heads turn to look at us, but the only person my eyes are on is Olivia. I watch as she gets given the signal to turn around, and her eyes settle on me. I can't help the tears that are forming in my eyes, as I see her look down and bring her hand up to wipe her eyes. I see Archie sitting in the front row with my mum, wearing a suit. He looks so grown up. He's giving me his brightest smile and as I walk past I put my hand out and he squeezes it.
All eyes are on me but all I can see is Olivia. She looks beautiful, in her white dress that I've imagined her in since she proposed to me, yet she looks more beautiful then I ever could have imagined. Her hair is half up and half down, and her blue eyes never leave mine as I walk up to her. My dad lets go of my arm and kisses me on the cheek, giving a supportive look to Olivia before sitting down. I lean in for a brief hug, and she whispers to me.
"You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
I smile and she takes my hand.
"You look perfect." I whisper back, before stepping away, still holding her hand. She squeezes my hand, and looks away, and I see her wipe a tear from her cheek.
As the vicar talks, I don't really listen, too focused on Olivia to really hear anything.
We get to the vows and Olivia goes first.
"Lily, Ever since I met you, I knew that I wanted to marry you, but seeing you walk down the isle today, was better than anything I could have pictured. I promise to love you for the rest of my life, and although that seems like a big thing to promise, it isn't." Her voice slightly cracks and her eyes are becoming teary again, and I feel mine are too. "Because for me, loving you is the easiest and best thing ive ever done in my life. You're the one I want to spend my life with, not only because you're insanely beautiful, but because to me, everything about you is perfect. I promise I'll care, and be there for you whenever you need me, and I'll support you in whatever you want to do. I'm so happy that I get to stand here with you right now, and I promise, with everything I have, that I'll continue to treat you right, and you won't have to divorce me." The crowd laughs, and I shake my head, "we'll see." I joke, as the tears stream down my face.
She laughs and squeezes my hand, "In all seriousness Lily, I love you, and I'm so happy I'm here with you right now." She wipes a tear on her face and, now it's my turn.
I clear my throat, and I start talking, my voice trembling a bit.
"When I met you, I had never experienced true love, and I thought I knew what it was supposed to feel like, but you proved me wrong. You showed me what I had been missing out on, and raised my expectations a thousand times higher. You made me feel loved, and wanted, and you showed me that I was worthy of being loved the right way. And ever since then, I've had no different from you. You treat me right every single day, and there is never a moment that I feel alone or unloved when I'm with you, and I just hope that I make you feel all those things too. The moment I knew I was in love with you, was when I first saw you talk to my little brother, he was only six then, and I won't lie Archie, you were a handful. But unlike anyone I'd ever brought home, Olivia made time for you, and she was so sweet. I'd never seen anyone be with him like that, and it really made my feelings for you clear. I promise that I'll always be honest with you, and continue to love you the way that I do now, because you make me feel alive, and I want to make you feel that way too. You're my everything, Olivia, and you have been for a long time. I was so in love with you back then, and it feels like my love for you has only grown, So thank you Olivia, for showing me true love, and sticking with me, cause I honestly don't know where I'd be without you. I love you so much, and i know that my love for you will only grow stronger as our relationship goes on."
As I finish my vows, The tears are streaming down Olivia's face , and I find it sweet that she's the biggest softie I know, despite how a lot of people see her. I reach my hand up and wipe her tears with my thumb.
"Beautiful vows from both our brides, now for the final thing. You may kiss the bride."
I've been waiting for this moment, and as soon as the words leave his mouth, I lean in. Our lips meet in the most romantic kiss of my life, and I can feel her tears mixing with mine. Her hands find my waist, and she pulls me in close, as my hands cup the sides of her face. We pull away and everyone in the audience is clapping, and I see my family beaming at me from the front row. Olivia's parents are looking at us supportively and it warms my heart.
"I love you." She whispers, through tears as she leans her head against mine.
"I love you too." I reply, leaning in and kissing her again.

Thanks guys!!
If you want more of my writing, gxg ofc😩then please do check out the new story. My first chapter will be released today!!

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