Part 17

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Lily's pov

As we walked down towards the nearest coffee shop together, I felt the cold breeze of the early October air.
"It's kinda Cold isn't it." Olivia said, as she walked beside me.
"Yeah kinda."
"I would give you my jacket but as you can see." She said, gesturing to her clothes from yesterday "I don't have one."
I laughed as we continued to walk down the sidewalk.

When we arrived at the coffee shop, she opened the door for me and gestured for me to go in before her.
"How chivalrous of you." I joked, walking in with her following.
"Only for you" she replied, as she stood next to me, her eyes scanning over the coffee menu. How can such a simple comment make me blush that much?
"What do you want?" She asked, turning to me, and smirking when she saw the red on my cheeks.
"I think I'm going to get a latte." I shrugged, my usual.
She nodded, and stepped forward to order her own drink.
"Can I have a latte and a cappuccino please?" She asked the lady behind the counter.
"of course." The lady replied as she made the drinks. Olivia payed and we sat down at a table in the corner.
"I would've bought my own you know." I said, smiling shyly at her.
"I know." She replied, taking a sip of hers.
"Thank you."
She looked up and met my eyes, smiling softly at me.
"No problem, I mean I did say if you wanted someone to show you how you should be treated I'd be here." She said shrugging.
She's such a flirt.
Does she flirt with other girls like this?
Maybe I'm getting this all wrong and she's just a natural flirt, and that's just what she does.
I'm so stupid.
"You okay?"
I heard a soft voice ask from the other side of the table. My eyes met with the pair of blue ones that I had grown to think were really pretty.
"Yeah just thinking I guess." Technically it wasn't a lie.
"What you thinking about?" She asks, taking a sip of her coffee.
"Oh erm, it doesn't matter."
She raised her eyebrows in a questioning way, before dropping it.

"You want to know what I've been thinking about recently?" Liv asked after a while, her eyes never leaving mine.
"Sure" I replied, taking a slow sip of my latte.
Butterflies swarmed in my stomach, as a blush worked it's way onto my cheeks. I bit my lip slowly, trying to stop the smile coming onto my face. I watched as her soft green eyes flickered down to my lips briefly before meeting my eyes again.
I shook my head, smiling.
"You're such a flirt." I said, earning a laugh from her.
"Not to everyone."
Her eyes met mine and although I know she was just jokingly replying to me, I still felt reassured, knowing that her words had some meaning. 
We sat in silence for a few moments until I heard a panicked voice from in front of me.
"Shit!" Olivia said looking out of the window we were sat by.
"What?" I asked, confused.
"Come on." She said, standing up and grabbing my hand, pulling me gently to the one single female toilet that the cafe had.
She opened the door, stepping in and pulling me with her. After she had shut the door behind us I spoke.
"What are you doing?"
She laughed, quietly "sorry about that, I saw Ryan just a bit further down the street and we were sat right by the window so he would've seen us."
"Why does it matter if he sees us?" I asked leaning my back against the door.
"Because who knows what he'll do if he sees that I'm with you." She started "he'll jump straight to the conclusion that you were cheating on him the whole time with me, and then he'll get pissed and he might hurt you or something, I don't know."
I found it cute how she didn't want me to get hurt.
"That didn't happen though." I say, questioning why Ryan would think that.
She seems to understand my confusion and explains "he thinks that because I'm a lesbian, I have interest in every girl I see and he'll probably blame me for breaking you two up even though it was him." She rolls her eyes "it happened with one of his past girlfriends, I hugged her once and he went mad."
I furrowed my eyebrows. Is that all she's doing with me? I felt a wave of sadness hit me and I looked down at the floor.
"I mean, In this case he wouldn't be wrong to be fair."  She said, and I looked up.
"Well I just mean that, if he did think i had a thing for you or however he wants to word it then its true, cause I definitely do."
"You're just saying that."
"I'm not!" She says stepping closer to me, my back still pressed against the door. My breath hitched in my throat and butterflies swarmed in my stomach. We now stood close, with no where for me to go.
"Why do you care anyways?" She whispered, smirking. "Do you want me to have a thing for you?"
I bit my lip and looked up at her, watching how her eyes darkened with desire.
"Maybe." I whispered back.
I nervously inhaled, as she slowly placed a hand on the door behind me and leaned down."that's not an answer."
She stayed like that for a moment, meeting my eyes to make sure I was okay with what she was doing. Before I knew it she was leaning in and so was I.

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