Part 40 - epilogue 1

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Olivia's pov

I picked up the box out of my car and walked into the building, this was finally the last box.
I went up the lift, and pushed open the door to apartment number 27.
I sighed and placed the box down on the floor and looked up to see Lily shelving some pictures.
"Who's the hottie in this picture?" I ask, my hands finding her waist.
"Just some girl really." She replies "she's not that hot."
I scoff and kiss her on the cheek before sitting down on the couch in the middle of the room.
"You must be kinda crazy to buy an apartment with 'just some girl'"
She puts the last framed picture up and I smile, it's a picture that my mum took of us when we weren't looking, where we're kissing in the snow.
She comes and lays on the couch, her head resting on my lap.
" moving in is tiring."
"Babe, you carried a grand total of two boxes, I don't think you exactly exerted yourself." 
She laughs and her eyes flutter closed as my hand plays with her hair.
We stay like that for a while, and I take a look around my new home.
Our new home.
It's pretty big, with a decent sized kitchen and bedroom. The bedroom has a whole wall that's a window, looking out over the city, and as we're high up the views really cool.
"Baby.." Lily says as she opens her eyes, and looks up at me.
"I'm happy that you're the person I get to do this with, I can't imagine being with anyone else."
"Me too Lily."
She gets up suddenly, pulling me with her and telling Alexa to play slow dance music.
"Dance with me." She says, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.
"What? Why?" I ask, laughing but still holding her waist and doing what she says.
"I just feel like we should dance in our new home." She rests her head on my chest as we move to the music and I smile and shake my head.
"I love you." I mumble into her head before kissing it and resting my own on top of it.
We stayed, dancing like that for a while, in the middle of our not yet decorated living room.

Later that night, I walk into our bedroom to see Lily already sleeping in the double bed. She looks so peaceful and I feel content knowing that from now on I'll be waking up next to her every morning. I open the top draw of my bedside table and take out the little black box that I put in there earlier. I open it, checking it's still in there. I take a look at lily and smile, then look back to the ring box in my hand. It's a beautiful ring with a small diamond, fitted to her size. She doesn't know I've bought it, but I managed to get her ring size while talking about our future together, without her knowing. I took one last look at the ring, before quietly closing the box and putting it back in the draw, and closing it. Then I got into bed, giving lily a soft kiss on the head, causing her eyes to slightly open.
"Goodnight baby." I whispered as I lay down next to her, and she shuffled closer murmuring goodnight and draping an arm over my stomach.
I fell asleep pretty soon after that, thinking of the ring in my draw, and when I'm going to use it..

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