Part 34

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Olivias  pov.

"It'll be fine Babe." I said, as I parked my car in the drive and turned to her. "They already love you, all we have to do is tell them you're my girlfriend." I put my hand on her knee and squeezes it reassuringly.
"But I dated your brother!" She replied, leaning her head back into the chair. Lily had been coming round as a friend for the past month, trying to avoid Ryan as much as possible, and being just my friend around my parents. We mostly just went to her house. Ryan hadn't really been much of a hassle recently, he had a new girlfriend that he was too preoccupied with.
"They won't care." I said before getting out the car and waiting for her. She followed me into my house and stood next to me in the kitchen where my parents were talking together.
"Hey girls." My mum said, not paying much attention to us, she was so used to lily always being here it just became the usual.
My dad smiled and greeted us, taking part in some polite conversation with lily before going back to what he was doing.
"I actually have something to tell you." I said, looking over at lily.
My parents turned back round and nodded expectantly.
"Lily's my girlfriend." I watched my parents reactions only to find there wasn't much of one.
"Not surprised really honey."
"Neither." My dad laughed, and him and my mum shared a glance.
"We sensed something was going on but didn't want to pressure anything in case you weren't sure, and because you know, Ryan" my mum explained. "But we're happy for you."
She walked over and wrapped lily in a warm hug, and then the same for me.
"Usually I would try and get to know you but, In this case I already do." My dad joked, and everyone laughed. My parents got back to whatever they were doing and Lily and I went to my room.
"They were really chill about that." She sounded almost shocked, but I wasn't.
"I told you they wouldn't care."
She nodded and then stepped forward, wrapping her arms around my waist and tucking her head into my neck.
I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and hugged her back, a confused look on my face.
"Are you okay?" I asked, and kissed the top of her head. It was weird for her to just hug me randomly like this. I head sniffling and I released my grip on her, pushing her away slightly so I could see her face.
I put my hand on her cheek and wiped away a tear the was rolling down it with my thumb.
"What's wrong." I asked, concern was clear in my voice.
"It's just nice." She looked up at me and I wiped another tear. "To have someone who I feel genuinely loves me for not just my body, but then I start to overthink and it's hard."
She pauses for a second but I don't speak, knowing there's more she's about to say.
"My past relationships weren't great and it's hard to accept that I am actually capable of being loved and worth staying for."
As I'm about to say something she cuts me off and speaks again. "It's not your fault, you do make me feel loved and I am slowly getting used to it, so I'm sorry if this isn't fair on you."
"You don't have to apologise." I say shaking my head and taking her hand. "I understand why you'd feel that way with previous relationships like that. I promise I'll continue to make you feel loved and make sure you know that you are capable of being loved because trust me, you are. Im not sure why your past partners were like that, but I am sure that I love you. I love you because everything about you is perfect, your smile, your laugh, your eyes, the way you treat other people, how caring you are to your brother, there is nothing that I'd ever change about you. And that's because, I love you, for who you are, not just your body. Not to say that you don't have a nice body." I say the last part with a slight laugh, causing her to laugh too. Her eyes are still teary, but I can see a soft smile on her face. My hands find her waist and pull her in a bit closer, still looking into her eyes. "I wasn't supposed to fall in love you, you were my brothers girlfriend. I spent so long thinking about you, thinking about how much better I could treat you, and now I can, and I will continue to do so. I'll show you how it feels to be loved, and I swear I won't hurt you. I've been given a chance that I didn't even think I'd get and I can promise you that while with me, you don't need to have any doubts." A single tear rolls down her cheek and I take a hand off her waist to wipe it. "Don't cry baby." I pull her in and hold her again, feeling her arms around my neck. When we pull away, she looks up at me and speaks. "That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me." I smile and kiss her head, before she speaks again. "I am so in love with you."
Her expression is full of warmth and love, and I know mine is mirroring it. I bring my hand to cup her face and she leans into it, closing her eyes. "I'm so in love with you too." I say softly, before capturing her lips with my own, and kissing her.

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