Part 18

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Lily's POV

My eyes fluttered closed as our lips met. It was nothing like my kisses with Ryan had been like, it was gentle and nice. Unlike the rough and always sexual kisses Ryan used to do.
Her hand moved from the door to cup my face, and I felt a gentle hand rest on my waist. My arms snaked around her neck, and rested on her shoulders. After a couple more seconds, she pulled away. "I've wanted to do that for ages." She said softly, my hands still draped around her. I felt her hands gently move down to grab my waist, making me smile.
"You're a good kisser." I blurted out, instantly regretting it. A pink tint flushed my cheeks from the embarrassment. I heard her laugh as I buried my head in her shoulder so she couldn't look at me. She moved her hands from my waist and wrapped them around my lower back, pulling me into her. I smiled into her shoulder as we stood like that. "You're a good kisser too." She whispered, as we stood there.
I felt a comfort I hadn't felt before with anyone, like I was safe. That was until I started overthinking.

"What do you want this to mean?" I asked pulling away and looking up at her.
"What?" She asked, surprised by my sudden question.
I took my arms off her and looked down slightly, but she kept a firm, gentle grip on my waist, keeping me in place.
"Don't worry about that right now." She said, my eyebrows furrowed as I looked up at her again, and stepped back out of her grip.
"What do you mean don't worry about it? I am worried about it" I said, slightly accusingly.
She smiled softly, a gentle look in her eyes, which made me rethink why i was even worrying.
"Hey." She said quietly, stepping forward and taking my hand. Which nearly caused me to melt.
"I just mean, you don't need to worry about it because I know what I want this to mean, but I don't want to rush anything and ruin something that could be good."
She waited a few moments before speaking again.
"I know that you're thinking the worst right now, but I promise you this means more to me than just some casual fling."
I looked up to meet her eyes, which were looking at me with slight concern, although a soft smile still stayed on her face.
"I know, I'm sorry. It's just my past boyfriends, haven't really ever been with me for anything other than my body so it's kinda hard to believe that anyone could want me for anything more." I said, slightly embarrassed of my assumption about her .
She squeezed my hand and rubbed her thumb on my hand.
"It's okay, you don't need to explain yourself or apologise. I get it."
I smiled at her reassurance.

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