Part 2

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After I'd finished, I closed up the shop and headed home. I knew I needed to be on time, otherwise Ryan would go mad at me. So I cycled home as fast as I could, not wanting to make him mad.
"I'm home." I said, as I opened the door.
"Hi honey!" My dad replied as I walked into the kitchen. The table was set, and the smell of macaroni cheese surrounded the house.
"Good your here, I was starting to think you might've been late." Ryan said from behind me, which caused me to roll my eyes. I've never really understood why Ryan has such a problem with my sexuality, after all, he's not religious. He just thinks it isn't natural or acceptable. I wonder if his girlfriend thinks the same. My thoughts are interrupted by a knocking at the door. I guess I'm about to find out.
Ryan hurries to the door, opening it and welcoming in his girlfriend. I can see she has brown hair, but Ryan is stood in front of her and I can't quite see the rest. As they walk into the kitchen and Ryan moves out of the way my mouth drops.
She looks just as beautiful as she did earlier, except this time her hair is down and her glasses have been removed.
"Family this is lily, lily this is my family." Ryan says gesturing to us."
I make eye contact with her. She smiles at me, remembering our encounter from earlier today.
"My names David, and this is my wife Melissa." My dad says offering his hand.
"Nice to meet you." She replies, taking his hand and shaking it. He walks back to the oven, preparing the food. "Ryan come and taste this." He says. As Ryan walks past he whispers "go introduce yourself."
I roll my eyes. I walk towards lily, catching her attention.
"You have a beautiful house." She says smiling politely.
"Thank you" I reply offering my hand. "It's nice to formally meet you, I'm Olivia."
She laughs. Oh god, that laugh again.
"We've technically already met." She says taking my hand anyways. The contact sending sparks through my hand.
"I didn't introduce myself though."
I drop her hand, realising we've been shaking them for quite long.
" I think the foods done now, take a seat." I say gesturing to the table.
As we both sit down, my dad brings a big bowl of macaroni cheese, placing it in the middle of the table.
"Thanks dad" I say, putting some on my plate.
"Thank you mr Rogers." Lily says after me.
"Oh please, just call us our names sweetie." My mum says sitting down.

After everyone had sat down, and started eating, my parents started to ask lily questions.
"So how did you two meet?" My mum asked, looking over at Ryan.
"We met in a cafe." Lily replied. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Yeah." Ryan replied, shovelling mouthfuls of macaroni into his mouth. He had always been a disgusting eater.
"Do you have a job?" My dad asked, looking at lily.
"Yeah, I work at the cafe in town."
"Bean?" I ask, remembering the coffee shop just down the road to the book store.
"Yeah!" Lily replies, smiling at me.

After everyone finished, I helped clean up, letting Ryan and Lily have some time together.
As I wiped the table, I heard sounds. Sounds that I did not want to hear. I pulled a face, luckily my parents had gone for a walk. I walked up the stairs, dreading that I was about to walk past Ryan's room.
Just as I was about to walk past, the sounds stopped.
"Where are you going?" I heard lily say.
"To have a shower." I heard my brother reply. "And when I'm out I'm going on my Xbox, so it's best if you just leave now. I'll text you."
"Oh ok."
I shook my head, what a dick. Of course he uses her for that and then kicks her out. I hear rustling on the other side of the door, I panic and scurry to my room jumping onto my bed before Ryan can see me. I hear him walk past and shut the bathroom door.
I always knew he was a dick, but I thought he'd at least respect girls. I thought he was better than that. I hear Ryan's door open again and I stand up, leaving my room just as lily leaves Ryan's. "Hey" I say, acting like I didn't just hear what happened.
"Hey." She replies, a slight sad tone evident.
"Where you going?" I ask, concern on my face as I see her smile falter.
She clears her throat. "I'm leaving."
"I'll walk you out." I say, smiling softly at her, causing a small smile from her.
"You first." I say, gesturing for her to go down the stairs before me. See, I'm already more of a gentleman than my brother.
As we walk down the hallway, she stops, looking at a family picture.
"You guys were so cute." She says, looking at me and my brother.
"Yeah, that was a good day." I reply, smiling at the picture in front of me.
"Are you and Ryan still that close?"
"Oh er, not really. We fell out a year or so ago and since then we haven't really reconnected."
"Oh that sucks, why'd you fall out, if you don't mind me asking." 
"It doesn't matter, stupid reason really." I say, hoping she'll drop the subject. Although we do not get along, and he doesn't seem to treat her like he should, I'm still not going to throw him under the bus like that.
She nods, taking the hint and walking to the door. I open the door for her, smiling.
"It was lovely to officially meet you."  I say.
"You too Olivia. I'll see you around." She says.
As she walks down the drive I realise something.
"Wait lily."
"Yeah?" She says turning around.
"You're walking?" I ask.
"Yeah, my house is like ten minutes away."
"Wait there." I say grabbing my shoes and putting them on. As much as I really cannot be bothered to go out again right now, I also don't want her walking home in the dark alone. I get my coat, and put it on.
I walk out the house, shutting the door behind me.
"What're you doing?" Lily asks me, obviously confused.
"Walking you home." I state. "Lead the way."
"You don't have to."
"I know, but it's dark and I don't want you by yourself on the sides of the roads." I reply, looking at her. She smiles at me appreciatively "thank you."
As we walk to her house, I notice her shivering.
"You cold?" I ask, turning my head to look at her.
"No I'm okay." She's says obviously lying, I can see her shivering.
I take my coat off, draping it over her shoulders.
"Here." I say. I watch her as she grabs the inside of my coat and wraps it around herself.
"Thank you. What if you get cold though?" She asks, as we start walking again.
"I've got a sweatshirt on, I'll be fine." I reassure her.

The rest of the way to her house, I try not to think about the fact that the  girl walking besides me, who just so happens to be my brothers girlfriend, is wearing my coat...

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