Part 30

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Olivia's pov

I woke up with my arms wrapped around lily. I smiled lazily, before checking the time.
6:00 my clock read. I groaned quietly and carefully removed my arms from her to go to the toilet.

I washed my hands and dried them, and got back into bed, Being careful not to wake up Lily. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps, her hair spread naturally on the pillow underneath her yet still looking nice.
I could never.
I lay back down, and she stirs, sitting up slightly.
"Liv?" She asks in an adorable sleepy voice.
"Yeah, just me." I say quietly, "go back to sleep lily."
She lays back down not facing me and I wrap an arm around her waist, and tangle my leg with hers. "Okay." She mumbles sleepily, backing up closer to me, before falling instantly back asleep. I kiss her bare shoulder once before going back to sleep as well.

When I wake up for a second time, its light outside and I feel much more well rested. I turn slightly, checking the time on my clock.
One o clock! No wonder I'm hungry.
I feel lily move a bit before I hear her speak
"Liv? You awake?"
"Mhm." I say, kissing her shoulder.
She sighs contently, lacing her hand with mine and pulling my arm around her tighter.
I laugh softly, "good morning to you too." I hear her laugh and after a while, she turns around in my grip to face me.
"I want pancakes." She says, smiling at me.
"Same, want to make some?"
She jumps out of bed, still wearing only her red laced underwear and my eyes scan over her body. She's so beautiful.
I get up and open my wardrobe, giving her a pair of my pyjama bottoms and a sweater.
"Here." She puts them on and even though they're slightly big, she still pulls it off.
"Cute." I say, before putting on my own. We go downstairs, but she stops suddenly halfway down. "Is Ryan here?"
"Nope, he's on a weekend trip with his friends, doesn't get back until tomorrow night." She nods and carries on into the kitchen.

We get the ingredients out and make the mixture, talking at the same time.
"Lily, baby that isn't how you flip a pancake."
She blushes at the pet name, and I smile.
I'm the type of person to say I hate pet names like baby, but secretly love them. Except it isn't much of a secret anymore.
"How do you do it then?" She asks, "if you're such a pro." She rolls her eyes but I can see the humour in them. I walk over and stand behind her, putting one hand on her waist just to be a tease, and the other over her hand on the pan.
We flip the pancake, and it goes successfully over this time.
"Like that." I mutter quietly, before squeezing her hand gently and letting go.

After making our pancakes we go back to my room, and decide to watch a movie.
"Can we watch a horror film?" I ask, smirking at her.
"No I hate horror!" She says, pulling a face. I laugh
"I know. You can just look away at the scary parts." I reply, scrolling to the horror section of Netflix.
She flops down on the bed next to me and leans On me. She puts her leg on top of mine and I put my free hand on it.
"We don't have to, I'm just joking." I say softly, kissing her head. "We can watch whatever you want to."
"Why're you so sweet?" She mumbles, looking up at me slightly.
"You deserve the best." I reply, lifting her face slightly with my finger on her jaw.
I kiss her, and feel her smile into it.

Suddenly, my door bursts open.
"What the fuck."
Lily and I break apart and I stand up.
Ryan stands there, he looks fuming.
"You really were fucking my girlfriend." He says stepping towards me, I back away slightly.
"Not while you were together Ryan, you know no matter how much you hate me I wouldn't do that." He seems to consider that and turns to lily instead.
"And you wanted my sister the whole time?"
"No ryan, but she made me realise I was capable of being loved. Unlike you ever did."
Ryan takes a step towards her and she backs away, looking scared.
"Ryan, I swear to god, you touch her and I will do far worse than I did last time."
He backs away from lily and goes to me instead again.
"And what will that be." He smirks.
"I'll call the police."
"No you wouldn't."
"I would."
His smirk drops as he realises I'm being serious. He points at me "fuck you." He says through gritted teeth, "and you weren't even worth the sex anyways." He says to lily, before storming out of my room and slamming the door. Followed by another slam of his own door.
I walk over to lily, and ask "are you okay?".
"Yeah I'm.. I'm fine actually." She says, and I see no sign of a lie.
"He can say and think what he wants, but I don't care, because I'm yours, and you're mine?" She asks the last part, and I nod and pull her into me by her waist.
"I've been yours since I met you."

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