Chapter 59/ One shot #2

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Late night visits

---------------------Percy's POV:---------------------

Sure I was upset that Tim was away on a trip, but it's not like I could do much. He had to help Bruce out and I wasn't about to come between their bettering relationship. So of course when he asked if he should go I told him that he practically had to. I am happy to report that I received a nice kiss for that one. 

Though the issue was that I was now stuck here alone. It's not like that was an issue, I had already gone so long by myself before meeting Tim. It was just that, that was about a year or two ago. Now him and I were practically attached at the hip so it was weird when one of us was missing. 

I sighed to myself as I sat on the couch wrapped up in a blanket as if I were a burrito. The tv played some random show that I really wasn't all to invested in but it was nice to have some sort of noise to accompany me. 

It was dark out and I knew I'd be sleeping soon, but for some reason I just really didn't want to. I was pushing myself to stay up later, to what time? I really wasn't sure.

That was until I felt a small vibration come from somewhere in my little wrap accompanied by the sound of some very bad singing. Jason insisted on making each of the theme songs for my contacts. I kept them only because it really was kind of humorous. 

With a small groan I dug through my blanket trying to find the location of the awful Beyonce impression. Eventually my hands found the outline of a small box shape and I was happy to have pulled out a vibrating phone. 

I squinted my eyes as they adjusted to the blinding light coming from my phone. As my vision cleared an image of Tim and I appeared. I smiled to myself as I picked up the call and held it to my cheek. 

"Hey Percy, did I wake you?" Tim's voice came from the other side of the phone and I couldn't help but smile to myself. 

"No no, believe it or not, I actually can stay up." I could hear a small chuckle come from the other end that made my heart jump slightly. "Anyways, what's up? cause I assume you need something if you had thought I was sleeping." 

"Can't I just check up on my lovely girlfriend?" Tim asked, sarcasm laced into his voice. Pride filled me as I knew I taught him well. 

"Trust me, your lovely girlfriend would love to be the true reason for this call but this girlfriend has a feeling that her spectacular boyfriend has something else that he needs to ask." I could almost see Tim rolling his eyes before he spoke up. 

"As always, you're right." 

I intentionally mumbled a small "Ha, I'm so good at this" before he continued. 

"Bruce just got a call from Alfred saying Da-" I couldn't hear the rest of his sentence as I heard a stern knocking at my door. I lowered the phone away from my ear, Tim's small calls of my name fading into the air. 

"Hold on Tim, someone just arrived." I got up slowly and walked towards the door. I grabbed a knife on my way, holding it close to my side so that it was out of view. I opened the door a smidge and was surprised to not see anyone. That was until I heard a "Ahem" 

I looked down to see Damien, his usually stone cold face looked a bit more emotional then usual, and I couldn't miss the small red tint to his eyes. Immediately I dropped the knife as I opened the door. 

"Dami?" I asked, looking down at him. I admit, he'd grown a bit taller then I'd like but to me he was still just a small little chump. 

He looked off to the side, clearly embarrassed. His lips pursing slightly before he started speaking. "Hey Percy" His voice was small, and I could tell he was trying to cover up any emotion he had. 

I felt my heart squeeze slightly as I sighed. A small smile made it's way to my face as I pushed the door open all the way. "Come on in bud. I'll make some tea" He didn't protest as he made his way inside, sitting carefully on the couch with his hands in his lap. 

I shut the door with a small click as I quickly grabbed my phone off the couch, realizing I didn't hang up. 

"What type of tea would you like?" I asked. Damien didn't look up to me as he responded. 

"Any" I nodded slightly before going into the kitchen, pulling out some tea bags. With one hand I placed the phone up onto my shoulder as I pressed my ear to it to keep it suspended there. 

"I assume Damien arrived?" Tim asked from the other end. 

"yeah, is everything okay?" I asked quietly, trying to make sure that he couldn't hear me from the other room. 

"I'm not sure. Alfred called to tell me Damien just left a note that he was going to your place, I was trying to see if he had already made it but I guess I was a bit early." I didn't respond just nodding. "Does he look okay?" Tim asked quietly. 

As much as the brothers all fought, they truly did care. It was really sweet to see. 

"He looks a bit upset, but some relaxation should do wonders. I got this." I heard a sigh of relief from the other end. 

"Thanks Percy. You're a life saver." 

"You know it." I said back with a small smirk. "I'll see you in a day or so. Love you" 

"I love you too. Goodnight" Tim hung up and I gently lowered my phone to the counter. 

During the conversation I had managed to make two cups of tea, so I grabbed one in each hand as I carried them into the living room. Damien was in the same spot, not having moved an inch while I had been in the kitchen. 

I sat down carefully besides him, setting a cup down in front of him. I stayed quiet for a bit, allowing him time to get used to my presence before I began. 

After some time passed I looked over at him. His head was held low as if trying to shield his face from me. 

He didn't say anything but I could tell by his breathing that he was holding back some tears. He didn't have to tell me that he was feeling upset. It was evident if you looked hard enough. I sighed as I gently placed my hand on his back, rubbing a small circle as to try and comfort him. At first he was tense but eventually he seemed to relax. 

"Dami, is everything okay?" He didn't answer, instead just staying still. 

My eyes caught glimpse of a small light falling from his face and immediately I felt the need to wrap him in a tight hug. I thought of Damien as if he were my own brother so to see him cry made me upset. 

"If you need to talk we can, but if you just want to hug we can do that to" This seemed to be his trigger as he turned to me quickly, pulling me in for a tight hug. I hugged back immediately, continued the small reassuring pats on his back as he sniffled in my ear quietly. 

I'm not sure how long we sat there before he pulled back. His eyes were red and puffy but he kept on his stony demeanor. 

"Thank you"

I gave him a small smile. "Of course Dami, but you don't have to be all tough here, at least not when I'm around. Let me be your guard when we're together okay? You're safe here. You're safe with me, and you can just be calm and yourself when we're together. You can be as angry or sad or happy when we're together. I'm here to take care of you." His eyes seemed to sparkle in the light of the tv as he looked at me with a wobbly look. 

He seemed to hold back a small sob as he nodded ever so slightly. 


I smiled at him. He pulled me in for another tight hug, one that I happily accepted. 

"You wanna stay like this or do you want snacks?" I asked. All I received was a muffled response so I just took that as a stay. I gently pulled him close as I allowed him his moment of sadness. I vow that no one will ever hurt this kid. At least not while I'm around to speak about it. 


1490 words

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