Chapter 39: She arises for some cereal.

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----------------------Tim's pov------------------------

After lots of convincing, and lying, I managed to convince everyone to let me take Percy with me. She was still out cold but she had laid her head onto my chest which was calming me down. I somehow managed to put a hoodie on her and take her mask off before walking out to her apartment. 

When I entered into the building people looked at me weird but I ignored them as I walked towards the elevator. I stopped before entering though, I looked down at her sleeping figure ad she looked so peaceful. It would be a breach of trust to bring her somewhere she wasn't comfortable, especially when she was unconcious so I stepped back and instead went up the stairs. I walked slowly as to not disturb her in the case she could feel everything happening. 

I made it to the apartment and after a struggle I opened the door and walked in. The house was dark but I had slightly memorized the layout as I expertly maneuvered my way over to the couch where I gently laid Percy down. She let out a muffled sound and I'm sure if I could see her face it would hold one with furrowed brows. I felt around until my hand met something soft. I picked it up and gently laid it over Percy. I heard shuffling before it stopped and I was satisfied. I walked over and turned on a low light lamp. Once it was on I caught a better look at Percy. Her hair was still in a ponytail and she had pushed herself so that her back was pushed against the couch. I smiled as I turned to her room. Once inside I quickly changed and I laid on the bed. I admit, I was really scared when Percy had fallen but I was just glad that she was okay. 

I closed my eyes but the image of her falling lingered and part of me just wanted confirmation that she was okay. I laid for a while, trying time and time again to fall asleep but nothing. After a bit of convincing I pushed myself out of the bed and out into the living room. I sat myself down in front of the couch as I just admired her. She looked peaceful, her black hair hung over her part of her face as she took small intakes of breath. I smiled as she just seemed to be so peaceful. 

I took a sigh of relief as I stood up to leave. I quietly made my way out of the living room and back into the room where I laid on the now cold spot. This time though I was able to sleep as I shut my eyes to an image of Percy sleeping peacefully. 


I woke up the next morning with the light pouring down onto my eyes. I slowly rubbed the blurriness out of my eyes as I pushed myself up. Slowly I made my way out of the room as I completed all my morning tasks like brushing my teeth, my hair, and a shower. After I finished everything I needed I put on some sweatpants and a tank top since today was hopefully just gonna be a lazy day. 

I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room where Percy still laid, a leg out of the blanket and a hand laying beside her head, the other laying on her stomach. I smiled as I walked into the kitchen. I poured myself some cereal, deciding I'd rather something easy then a full blown meal. As I grabbed the bowl a thought passed by. Do I need to give Percy something to eat? 

Instead of thinking about it for too long I grabbed a glass of water and my bowl of cereal before entering the living room. I sat on the floor in front of the couch and right beside the coffee table. Before even touching my cereal I gently bent over Percy as I poured some water onto the hand next to her head. Immediately the water absorbed into her hand like a towel. Her eyes fluttered slightly but didn't open. I felt hope spring up as I gently poured a little more. The same thing happened, though this time it was a bit more of a dramatic reaction. In a last ditch effort I poured the rest of the glass of water into her hand. I looked at her face as hope filled me. Nothing. She moved her head to the left and that was it. The hope disappeared as I turned back to my cereal. I gently took the spoon and dunked it in, getting a hefty bite but before I could even open my mouth to eat the spoon was snatched from my hand and disappeared behind me. I looked back to see Percy with a lazy smirk on her face. A spoon in her mouth. 

"Morning" She scooted herself over so she was leaning down so that I only had to look a little up to make eye contact with her. 

"That was my cereal!" I retorted. A huge smile appeared on her face as she let out a soft gorgeous giggle. Her eyes shut as she laughed before opening up to reveal her stunning ocean eyes. 

"yeah well, I have the spoon in my mouth so" She shrugged slightly as she tapped my nose. I would be pissed if this was anyone else but Percy, well I guess I'm not completely angry. 

I rolled my eyes, letting out a sigh as I handed her the bowl. She happy accepted it before taking a quick bite. I quickly stood up and walked into the kitchen, making myself a bowl of cereal before returning back to the living room to find that Percy had already devoured most of her cereal. I sat down with my new bowl as I joined her for her meal. 

"You feeling okay?" I asked. She looked up with wide eyes and for a minute I thought I caught a hint of unease but it was quickly erased as she plated a big smile on her face. 

"Of course. I guess I really shouldn't have thought of air before mist traveling" She let out a nervous chuckle before shoving another bite into her mouth. I nodded before starting my bowl as well. I would have continued a conversation but when I looked back up Percy was on her phone texting someone. I watched as her face morphed into one of slight confusion to horror, her eyes wide and her breathing a bit quicker then before. I waited for a minute as she rapidly shot back a text before looking up to me. 

"There's a new prophecy, and we're in it" 


1140 words

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