Chapter 27: Capture the flag

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---------------------Percy's pov:---------------------

The wait is awful. These gods have had 5 days to try and think about an answer, F I V E days. Triton called me on the third day and told me that it was mainly Hera holding up the line, but when is she not. 

Me and Tim have hung out a couple times but lately he's been busy with Vigilante stuff, so whenever he is around it's for short increments and they're usually used to catch up on what we missed. Mom had also called a couple times and Estelle was looking as magnificent as ever and I couldn't be happier about that. 

Currently I was sitting on my couch sipping the coffee I had gotten this morning as I tried to think of something to do. I had already taken a jog and watered my immortal plant and I really didn't feel like watching tv for the third day in a row. 

As I tried to go over stuff I could do I got a text. I looked down at my phone to see it was a message from Leo. 

Leo- Yoooo! Percy! my main man! well wo-man, do you mind heading to camp hb for a couple hours? Thalia's coming into camp and we realllly need an upper hand in capture the flag. Please Percy! Save us!

I chuckled slightly at Leo's dramatics. I quickly responded back with a "Sure, but how am I gonna get there?" Not even a second later Nico appeared in front of me, an annoyed look on his face. 

"You guys do know I am not you personal form of transportation right?" He asked, sounding exasperated. I rolled my eyes before standing up. He grabbed my shoulder and suddenly my vision went black before we reappeared in the middle of a bustling camp half-blood. Kids were running around with armor on their person and being carried around. I smiled as kids ran around laughing and jumping, the smell of strawberries soon wafting over. "Alright, I'm going back to my cabin." Nico waved as he started to walk away, but I did manage to see a certain blonde haired Apollo kid follow after him.

"Percy! You're just in time!" I turned around to see Leo running over. His face was somehow covered in more soot then usual, and even as he talked his hands seemed to move on their own, tinkering with some wires and metal scraps. "the hunters are coming and for some reason Mr. D put them on the side with the Athena's, Aphrodite's, Apollo's, Jason, Nike's, Nemesis's Dionysus" He took a deep breath" Tyche's, and Hecate's cabins. We are gonna get our butts kicked so please save us! Mr. D said if I could convince you to come you could join our side." 

I went over what cabins were left. We had the Demeter, Ares, Hermes, Hypnos, Iris, Hades, and Hephaestus cabins. Not an amazing line up when it came down to the long distance and strategy but I'd figure something out. 

"Right, do you guys have any sort of plans so far?" 

"All we have is that the Hypnos kids are gonna stay by the flag to defend, this is gonna be with the Hermes kids as well. The Demeter kids are gonna try and make flower traps? and the Ares kids openly admitted that they're just doing a free for all." I looked down to see that Leo had somehow made a small box with a button in the time that we were talking. 

"right, when is the game exactly?" 

"an hour" I felt ,my mind start racing as I tried to think of strategies. 

"Okay, did you tell anyone that I was coming?" Leo shook his head. I quickly grabbed his arm and ran into my cabin, shutting the door behind me. "Great, I'll be our secret weapon okay?" I want you to try and get the Hermes kids to find a great hiding spot for the flag. Have the Iris kids make illusions in front of the flag for extra protection then set up two groups of "Defenders. One group is going to be a distraction to try and get the enemy to think the flag is there, this way we can split them up. Got it?" Leo nodded before bolting out the door. 

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