Chapter 19: Back home

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---------------Tim's POV:--------------

It's been two weeks since Percy Jackson has last been seen in Gotham. Two weeks of no coffee shop sightings, two weeks of no responses, two weeks of high blood pressure. 

This issue has taken up most of my thoughts, to the point where she is constantly on my mind. I mean what if she was hurt, or kidnapped or something else super bad, and I know I'm probably overreacting, I mean she's allowed to not respond to me, but it's just strange. One minute she's saying she'll always be there, to just not being there. 

In these two weeks I have gone out a couple times to her apartment but no one seemed to be home each time I went. Though what really worried me was the thin layer of dust that was starting to form on the door handle the last time I went.

All I could hope was that she was okay, and that the joker or anyone else didn't have her. 

I shoved these feelings to the side though as I walked into the coffee shop, my heart grew hopeful for a second as I looked around before my hope quickly disappeared into the thin air. I ordered my coffee before standing and waiting for my coffee. I decided to go on the internet to try and see if there happened to be any missing persons reports from her friends or family. 

Luckily or unluckily there was nothing. 

I was cut short though as a message appeared on the top of my screen. 

Percy- "Hey there :)"

I was to surprised by the message to notice the person approaching me from behind until it was too late as arms wrapped tightly around my torso. 

I nearly jumped until I heard the familiar giggles coming from the person. 

I turned around quickly to see the same sea green eyes and onyx black hair I had missed so dearly. Without thinking I quickly hugged her tight, though I may have accidentally picked her up causing her feet to dangle above the floor. I don't think she minded though as she wrapped her arms around me as well. 

"Hey" Her voice came out more as a laugh.

"Hey" was all I could reply.

I'm not sure how long we stood there hugging before I let her go, but eventually I let her down. When I did she smiled up at me, her eyes seeming to shine. 

This was when my mind started to work rationally again.

"Wait! where were you? are you okay?" I asked rapidly, looking her over.

Her smile turned to one of a lopsided manner. "I'm great! I'm not hurt at all" She seemed to glow. "I have a new little sister, her name's Estelle!" She quickly pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of an adorable little baby in the arms of a beautiful older woman, a man with peppered hair behind her. 

Percy just admired the photo, looking over it like she was examining it. I couldn't help but be happy for her. 

"That's great Percy, but uh, next time you leave could you uh, well you know, leave me a little notice so I don't think you've been kidnapped?" I asked. She merely chuckled and nodded. 

She shoved her phone in her pocket as my name got called. I quickly grabbed my coffee before turning to Percy. 

"So I assume you went to stay with your mom, anything cool happen?" I asked. She nodded vigorously. 

"I watched tons of movies, visited my friends again, visited my old camp. Just a lot of visiting I guess. But uh, enough about my trip, how have you been holding up? I'm sorry for leaving on such short notice, and for not responding, I dropped my phone in my rush." She rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment but a small part of me couldn't help but think it was kind of cute. 

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