Chapter 26: The call

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-------------Percy's pov:-------------

When I woke up the next morning I was a bit startled to find myself laying down with Tim hugging me like I was a teddy bear. I felt my cheeks warm up a bit as I looked up to see he had been resting his chin on my head, but since I had moved he had lifted his head up as well. I smiled as I looked over his sleeping face. I looked over my shoulder to see that the tv had started playing something random, but I didn't really mind. 

I still felt bad about last night. I wanted to get closer to Tim and he did deserve to know about everything, but like I had said, it really wasn't my secret to tell. I sighed deciding that today I would ask the Gods for permission to tell Tim. If they won't allow me to then I'm just gonna have to pull the guilt card. That'll involve complaining about how I've done so much for them and yet I don't get anything in return and such. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts as Tim shifted, pulling me closer to his chest as he let out a long breath. My eyes opened wide as my nose touched his chest from how close he pulled me. I turned my head so I was looking at the ceiling, trying to calm down my inferno of a face. 

I laid there for a while until I felt his grip loosen. I slowly turned around so my back was now to his chest before I wiggled out of his grip. What I hadn't accounted for though was the fact that I had to catch myself, so after a masterfully wiggled out of his arms I fell onto the floor with a small thump. I froze, slowly looking over at Tim to see if he had woken but luckily he didn't. I let out a silent sigh of relief as I quickly filled my spot with a pillow. I stood up quietly and made my way to the bathroom so that I could IM my dad. 

I looked around the bathroom, eventually finding one under the sink before I started the faucet. I held my hand up and made the water pull apart to make mist. 

"Oh fleecy, do me a solid and show me Poseidon" The area in front of me seemed to shift until it showed my father under the water talking with some other mer-people. I waited a second before they left. 

"Hey dad" We had been on better terms after the war. A couple fights led to us talking things out and it truly did make us closer. I hate to admit it but he truly is a great dad. 

Immediately Poseidon turned around, a huge smile on his face. "Hey my little sea star, how are you?" his smile made the side of his eyes crinkle, making him look like an older man. 

"I'm okay, and you?" He paused before continuing. 

"I'm doing pretty good, Triton misses you and Amphitrite is still a bit upset that you moved away." I smiled in return. I missed them as well honestly. "but anyways, was there something you needed? Is someone messing with you cause I will drown them the next time they take a bath." His face turned serious and I only hoped he was kidding. 

"No no! I'm fine, I was just wondering if I could get permission to tell a mortal about the Godly side of things" Poseidon seemed to pause. 

"I'll have to check with the others first, it could be a while." I mumbled a curse under my breath as I wanted to try and tell him today. "Language!" 

"Sorry!" I replied. I took a deep breath. At least I could tell him soon. I looked in the background and saw Triton. He paused when he saw me before waving. I smiled and waved back. 

"but hold on, who are you planning on telling?" His face dropped from a smile to a stern look. 

"A...friend of mine, he's starting to catch on that something might be amiss so I thought it'd be better to just bite the bullet." Poseidon narrowed his eyes slightly. 

"A boy? Percy do you-" 

"nO! I mean, no no, nothing is happening!" I put my hands up defensively, and I see that Triton holds in a laugh as he turns around and continues walking till I can't see him. Poseidon didn't look convinced but nodded. 

"Alright, be safe sea star, I'll try and contact you soon" I nodded before giving my goodbyes and cutting the message in half. 

I sighed as I walked out of the bathroom. As I made my way out I saw that Tim was still asleep on the couch, holding the pillow tight. I will not deny that I felt the smallest twinge of jealousy, but I quickly shoved that down as I walked into the kitchen and started to make blue pancakes. 

Not much longer after the pancakes were done did Tim wake up. I watched as he seemed to take in his surroundings and the pillow. His face tinted pink as he pushed them off. He looked around before his eyes met my own. 

He didn't say anything so I beat him to it. "You wouldn't have let me go if I didn't replace myself. Now, pancakes?" I held out a plate towards him, to which he took gently. 

"Sorry I was out for so long. Your couch is really comfortable" He seemed to keep something else to himself but I didn't push. I grabbed my plate and sat next to him on the couch, putting my legs in a crisscross fashion. 

"So what's it like being a vigilante?" I asked absent minded. I dug into my pancakes as I looked over at him. 

He paused before shrugging. "It's okay, I guess. Lots of late nights and tons of bruises." He pulled up his sleeve to reveal a massive blue and purple spot. I cringed a little looking at it. "but it pays off since tons of people are helped by it so I don't mind." He gave me a small smile before turning to his pancakes. 

"Well if you ever need some first aid, I'm quite the pro if I do say so myself." I smiled and he chuckled lightly. 

"Well I'll make sure to keep that in mind." We continued to eat with him telling me about the different villains he has to face. 

When we finished I took the plates, setting them down in the kitchen. I looked out the window as I started to make my way out the kitchen when I remembered I still had to water my plants. "Shoot, I forgot" I quickly turned around and grabbed a cup and filled it with some water. 

"You forgot what?" I heard Tim ask from the living room. 

"I have plants on my balcony, I haven't watered them in a couple days." I walked out to my stair area, quickly pouring some water on the very healthy looking plants. I heard a muffled laugh come from the living room. "what?" I asked, turning around to face him. He had his hand covering his mouth as he closed his eyes. 

"Nothing... Just uh thinking about a joke that Wally told me."  He took a deep breath before looking at me with a giant grin. I nodded slowly before turning back to my plants. When I finished I walked back over. 

I was gonna offer him a drink but I was interrupted by his cell phone ringing. He picked up the phone and his nose seemed to scrunch slightly by whoever it was. "Oh, hold on Perc, I gotta take this." He quickly stood up and walked out to the stair area before talking, though I didn't listen in, instead humming to myself to prevent anything from being heard. 

I waited a while till he came back inside, his mood seeming to have been spoiled. "I gotta go, but it was nice...yeah. Sorry about the whole thing, I should hav-" 

"It's okay, seriously. I'm sorry I couldn't come up with better answers." He shook his head before walking over. 

"It's fine" I stood up as he approached me and he gave me a tight hug. 

"I'll see you tomorrow morning for coffee?" He asked, looking at me as he pulled back. I smiled and nodded. He smiled back as we walked to the door. 

"Alright, well see you then" I waved as he walked out the door. I watched as his figure disappeared down the hall. 

I really hope the gods could come up with an answer soon. 


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