Chapter 54: Hugs

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---------------------Tim's POV:----------------------

The only thing I was aware of at the moment was the warmth seeping through my hands and the rhythmic beeping coming from the machines Percy was hooked into. The machine was annoying with it's high pitched beeps, and listening to it for a week straight really hasn't been helping the case. 

The warmth was coming from my coffee in one hand and the other source was Percy's hand. I had our fingers interlaced and was holding it tight, though her fingers were limp. 

I'm not too sure how long I've been awake but I do know that it was a while because the world around me seemed to swim and pulsate. I didn't let this affect me though as I sat and looked over Percy's sleeping figure. I had to be here for her when she woke up.

Of course, everyone else had also been here before as well. Though slowly everyone left, having people to save or camps to run. I wasn't upset with them, and I'm sure Percy would understand. Though this also left me with no one to talk to. 

I took a deep breath as I took a sip of my coffee, trying desperately to keep myself away for longer. The bitter drink was warm on my tongue and sent a short burst of energy through me. Though this lasted a couple seconds as the dreariness came back. 

I looked over to Percy's face. She looked peaceful, with no definitive expression displayed. 

When the battle had been won the first thing I had thought to do was to pick Percy up and hug her. But that chance never came as when I had looked over to her, her eyes were shut and her whole body was heading for the ground. Luckily I had caught her, though she didn't move. It scared me, even now just the thought scares me. 

Triton had tried to take her away from me but I may have said some very Bruce like things to get him to back off. Let's just say that I was very lucky to have no been killed right then and there. But at the time that hadn't mattered. 

Besides Percy everyone was okay and relatively unscathed. Though there were some bad cuts and bruises lingering throughout the groups. 

I only wished Percy had gotten a couple cuts. Maybe then she'd be sitting here talking with me instead. 

My thoughts were cut off though by the clicking of the door. My head snapped in the direction of the door to see Damien with a bouquet of flowers in hand. He had a solemn look on his face, though his eyes widened when he spotted me. 

"Drake...What are you still doing here? You look like something I could find on the side of the street." He looked semi disgusted as he walked by me so that he was besides Percy hospital bed. He gently set the vase and flowers on the table besides her bed. "You smell like it too" He gagged slightly before sitting in the seat besides me. 

"Yeah, well I haven't had much time I guess." 

Damien's nostrils flared slightly. "All you've had is time! Plus, I wouldn't wake up if you smelled like that! Mind you I wouldn't wake up if you were here to begin with but I'm talking in the sense of Percy." He looked back over to Percy again, her chest slowly rising and lowering and I was shocked to see his face soften a bit. 

I didn't respond, instead thinking it over. I mean I just didn't want her to be alone when she woke up. What if she thought we'd abandoned her or something.

I looked back to Damien to tell him to stop but he was staring at me with a glare. 

"You're too easy to read." He rolled his eyes before pausing, looking back at Percy then to me again. "I'll stay here" He shrugged slightly. "I mean, only until you get back, just so that when she does wake up she doesn't break up with you immediately because of your lack of self care. God- or well gods it would suck if you were all snotty and gross around the manor too." He shivered slightly but I couldn't help but smile as Damien was trying to be nice in his own...mean way. 

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