Chapter 18: New Family

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---------------Percy's Pov:----------------

It's been a couple days since the sleepover and I haven't really seen Tim outside of our morning coffee's. He hasn't really told me much other then that he's been pretty busy with his family and all, which I completely understand.

Currently I'm walking to the coffee shop, and it's weird, I don't even want coffee but I do want to see Tim... I'm still ordering coffee though because it'd be weird if I didn't.

I walk into the store, the familiar friendly ring of the bell alerting the workers of my presence. I see the girl at the cash register look up, her face is blank at first but soon changes to a sweet smile. 

"Hello Percy, your usual?" She asks as I arrive at the counter. 

I nod, taking one hand out of my pocket to hand her the money as she rings me up. After a second she nods and I walk over to the counter to wait for my drink. A minute later I hear the door bell ring again. I look to see a familiar mop of black hair and sunglasses even though we are still indoors. I smile and wave at him when I notice his slower walk and less cheery face. Immediately I know something is wrong. 

He order his drink and takes the familiar spot next to me, hands in his pockets.

"Hey Tim, you feeling okay?" I ask, gently placing my hand on his arm to let him know that I'm here for him. 

He pauses for a bit, taking a moment to collect his thoughts, or at least that's what it seems to be before he looks over to me and nods. "I just had a long night, nothing to bad." I nodded putting on a reassuring smile. He smiles back though it doesn't seem to be as truthful as it is usually. He turns away and just absently stares at the counter, almost like he was manifesting his coffee. 

I don't know what took over but I stepped towards him and wrapped my arms around him, seeming to lock his hands against his body. I made sure the hug wasn't tight just in case something truly was wrong. He seemed surprised for a second before he seems to melt into the hug, relaxing and almost leaning into it. 

"I want you to know, I'm here for you okay? I'll always try and help, you know that right?" I ask not looking up just to give him some privacy. He doesn't say anything but I can feel his body move indicating some sort of acknowledgement. I hold on a minute longer before letting go. I put my hands back in my pockets and continue to wait, this time in silence, just in case Tim just wants to be quiet today. We stood there for a while, and when I recieved my coffee I waited a little while longer for Tim to get his. When it did arrive he practically downed the whole thing and we weren't even out the door by the time he finished, simply throwing the cup away as we left. 

When we got outside I turned to him with a smile, my coffee in my hand. Tim turned to me but in a sudden moment he quickly enveloped me in a tight hug, his head resting on my shoulder. His breathing seemed a bit quicker then usual so I pat his back gently. 

We stayed there for a minute, with me gently allowing Tim his moment of time before he let go. This time his small smile stayed as he looked at me. 

"Thanks Percy, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I nodded in response, giving him a warm smile before he walks off in the opposite direction of the way I have to go. 

I waited there a little longer before I turned around and started my walk home. This one was a lot more quiet, even the city sounds seemed to be blocked out by the empty thoughts filling my head. 

I'm not sure how long I walked, allowing my body to enter pilot and to steer itself. I barely noticed the people I passed, the cars driving by, the constant police sirens that always seemed to fill the air. 

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