Chapter 33: A mission and some trouble

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---------------------Bruce's Pov:----------------------

Who was this girl? Question raced around in my mind as she stood, barely having broken a sweat, above the collapsed body of Dick. 

"I win" She said, looking at the other members of the yj league, her face looking sympathetic as she turns back to Dick on the floor. She quickly leans down and starts to look over his head to check for blood. Quickly Tim ran over talking with her quietly as they both looked over Dick. I could hear Wally quickly speaking to himself in a low tone and Kaldur seemed not as surprised as he should be. 

I looked back over to the two to see the girl with Dick in her arms bridal style. Tim looked more or less surprised at that as well. The girl looked over to me with a blank expression before turning back to Tim with a small smile. 

If it wasn't evident before then it should be said that I really don't trust this girl. She comes in here as these people just happen to show up. No background from a different city, no one supposedly knows who she is, and she can somehow beat Dick that easily. What was left to trust aside from the fact that, that weapon of hers was in fact special. 

I watched as the two walked over to me, Dick's head laying limply on her shoulder. "So, do I pass your little test?" Her voice was harsher then before. Obviously she was feeling the same way I felt about her.

"For now. Though I hope you don't expect me to trust you." 

"Of course I don't, though I hope this means that I have no reason to trust you as well." She leaves it at that, walking out with Tim in tow. He also gave me his own dirty look before leaving. Sure I had over done the argument just a tad but I can't jeopardize the whole hero community because he decides it's necessary to take certain precautions. Especially without consulting me first. I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose. These kids were gonna be the end of me I swear. 

I turned around suddenly remembering that Wally and Kaldur were still here. They seemed to look at me, fear striking before they rushed out. 

I walked out as well towards the computer. I had some research that needed to be done on that metal she talked about. 


30 minutes. 30 minutes into this search and I had nothing. No sign of anything that remotely worked. All that popped up with anti-allergy metals, and medications for allergies to said metals. 

I groaned as I leaned on the table in front of the computer. I was getting no where and this girl was only becoming more and more suspicious, and with my current problem with Tim he won't listen if I voice my concerns about staying away from her. I sighed as I clicked on the surveillance cameras. I went back a while or so before rewatching the fight. The first thing I noticed was her stance. Originally I was too worried about her getting very injured that I hadn't really worried about the details, which I admit was idiotic of me. The stance she held was a defensive pose, it mimicked that of older Greeks styles that would be used during combat, though it wasn't the same as it seemed to include newer aspects as well including the way she placed her feet and how she seemed to examine Dick.

I continued watching, and the more I watched the more she seemed to resemble a more modern Greek style, though she also seemed to have Roman instincts mixed in. But that judo flip was way off base. Almost completely opposite to her previous moves. Though this one looked perfected. Her stance was amazing, and the force she had was almost inhuman. Dick was heavy due to his muscle but she lifted him up on multiple occasions with ease. But throughout all of this I couldn't help but notice that it almost looked as if she was holding back. What she was holding back I don't know but it was weird that she wouldn't use it. Was she trying to keep something hidden? or was she trying not to hurt someone? 

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