Chapter 22: Getting ready

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(The pic above is how I think Percy will look at the party but feel free to imagine something else, this is only what I thought she would look like)

----------------Percy's Pov:---------------

It's been about a week since Tim stayed over. He had asked me to another one of his father's events and of course I said yes. Luckily I had time to prepare some clothes before hand. I also found out that Piper was going so if Tim ends up having to do something then I can hang out with her. Rachel couldn't go sadly due to the fact that her and her family were out of town.

The event was supposed to be later today, and I already had all of my stuff ready. I had a short dress with long sleeves and some basic boots. I was hoping it would be enough. I had shown Piper a while ago and she only responded with a "I've got it covered" Though I assume she means that the outfit works.

As I wait for Piper, I had decided to continue watching the office. I had made it pretty far into the series and I do admit that I'm mad I hadn't found out about this sooner.

I was just in the middle of watching the scene where the others in the office were replacing things of Stanley's to see if he'd notice when I heard the sound of two people talking behind me.

" I'm telling you, I have to bring all this stuff." I heard Piper argue.

"Piper, even I'm carrying stuff. This seems a bit excessive." Nico retoretd.

I turned around to see Piper with a two dresses folded over her arms and a box of shoes under the other arm. I looked behind her to see Nico with a shoe box in his own arms and a look that said her was over it.

"Oh hey Percy! I was expecting you to be in your room asleep or something, this is actually way better!" She smiles before setting everything down on the couch.

"What's all this?" I asked as I looked over the blobs of gold and blue. I looked back up to see Piper with a box in hand and Nico gone.

"Oh just some stuff to get us dressed for the party" She walks around my couch so that she is standing in front of me. She had on the simple orange t-shirt and jeans. She grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the couch.

"But I have a dress and shoes" I tried arguing, of course this didn't work though.

"yeahhh no, I'm not letting you go out to a party thrown by Bruce Wayne in that dress." Piper gave me a look that said if she hadn't intervened things would have gone bad. I groaned before looking back at Piper.

"fine, what do you have for me?" I asked, already dreading what was to come. She smiled as she picked up the blue dress. I didn't even have time to see what it looked like before she threw the dress on over my shoulder and grabbing me by the shoulders before dragging and tossing me in my room.

"Get dressed! I'll be out here for when you're ready!" She sounded way to happy for this, and I already was a bit annoyed that she hadn't told me that the dress wouldn't have worked sooner. Suddenly I was feeling like I should have texted Rachel instead.

Regrets aside I started to put on the dress. After it was on I looked in the tall mirror I had in the corner. It was long sleeved with the shoulders exposed, there was a mesh fabric that seemed to spread from the neck piece down to the main dress. The main body of the dress was dark blue, this included the sleeves, but the belt was a lighter blue and that light blue seemed to continue on down the dress continuing to get lighter until it reached white. It gave off a very ocean-y vibe. I had to admit, I really did like it. Plus the fabric wasn't itchy!

I was gonna head out to see Piper when I remembered something. I quickly grabbed the watch that Tyson had given me and put it on, the gold seemed to match the dress perfectly and I was glad to have a piece that Tyson had made with me. With the accessory on I walked out of my room. As I looked down the hall I saw Piper in a gold dress. The dress seemed to hug her features perfectly as it then extended out at the bottom into a short skirt. She accompanied this with long black boots that went all the way up to right above the knee.

She turned around just as I made my way out of the hall and smiles. "That's much better. Now put these on." She handed me a pair of shorter boots, these seemed to have a little lift to them but for the most part they were just a fancier pair of boots. I nodded deciding to take the easy way out of this and just agreeing with whatever she tells me to do.

I quickly went and sat on the couch, putting on the boots. When I did I stood back up, immediately I noticed the small bit of height I had gained. I turned to see that Piper had already finished and was now just closing the boxes up. She turned to look at me and smiled.

"You look great" These words alone were comforting but what wasn't comforting was the way she was approaching me. She reminded me of my mother when she had tried to wipe something off my face. I backed up slightly as she extended her hands to start messing with my hair.

"He-" I tried to protest but was cut off by her evil eye. Now, kids, I would just like to alert you all that Aphrodite kids have a way of somehow finding the root of your fear and turning it into one glare. I don't know why or how or if this applies to only Piper, but when Piper tells you to do something, you do it.

"Sit down, and shut it" I nodded quickly, sitting on the couch and putting my hands in my lap as went around to the other side and started messing with my hair. I decided to watch the office while she did her magic.

It wasn't long before she had my hair all done up, I knew this only because she stopped messing with it. I turned around to look at her, and she was already texting someone.

"I'm gonna go, me and Jason were planning on going out to eat before we left for the party. Try not to mess up the dress...or your hair." She gave me and award winning smile as she left my apartment, leaving me with two empty shoe boxes and lots of gold glitter on my floor.

I sighed as I leaned back against the couch. So much had happened in so little time. I decided I'd just continue watching tv until Tim arrived to pick me up.

I'm not sure how long I waited before I heard a knock at the door. 


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