Chapter 48: The discovery

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---------------------Tim's pov:-----------------------

An hour.

It's been a whole hour since Percy's been gone, and I've tried to give her time to talk alone but I admit I was getting a bit worried. Piper and Jason hadn't looked all ecstatic to see Percy and that worried me. That really worries me.

I quickly stepped away from the man I was talking to, giving him a small wave and a polite goodbye as I did so. As I turned around my smile dropped as I scanned the crowd for any sign of Percy or the others. Maybe she just got lost again. My hope dwindled though when I spotted Piper and Jason making their way through the crowd. No Percy in sight. I sighed before staring to make my way towards the two. I pushed past many people, saying sorry occasionally if I pushed too hard or had to cut off a conversation.

Eventually though I made it to the duo, they both seemed off though. Less cheery and more angry or disappointed.

"Piper!" I called out. Piper looked at me with confusion for a split second before her face turned to one of anger. She stomped over Jason following after with a similar expression.

"What did you do to her!" Piper slightly yelled, stopping in front of me with a slight gust of wind following after from the force of her stop.

"What?" Was all I could ask as she crossed her arms.

" 'what?'!?. What?! Percy has never said anything like that before until she moved in with you, what did you say to her? Never in the time that I had known her has she withheld important information or said anything but not liking us. It's only when you started being around did this whole mess begin." I took a step back as Piper seethed, her face turning red slightly from the anger she had. Confusion filled me as well as slight hurt. I don't think I did anything to hurt or change Percy and the fact that Piper thought I did anything actually kind of hurt. I think my face seemed to show this as Piper's eyes filled with regret.

"Tim I'm-"

"It's fine" I said a bit too quickly, my voice stern. "I just want to know what happened. I can try and talk to Percy about it and get it figured out. Piper nodded a bit before taking a deep breath.

"There's a prophecy but Percy is the only one that knows it and she won't tell us" I nodded, but my eyebrows knitted.

"Wait, weren't you guys the ones that told her? It was all like 14 will go on a mission..." I tried to think back on the sentences Percy had used. To an older land to fight the primordial from before the gods, enemies shall come together to take down the monster of the underworld and together they shall decided whether or not the world will perish? I'm not sure, it was a while ago that she told me." Piper nodded, placing a finger to her chin. "If it helps, we deduced the land of old part being Euboea, it's where a battle against the Persians took place." They both nodded once again.

"But why would Percy hide that from us? There's nothing in there that wouldn't be easier together." We all started to think when I heard Jason gasp lightly.

"What if" We both looked over at him. "What if the prophecy mentioned her? Are you sure it was the whole thing?" He asked, looking over at me. Honestly I couldn't answer. Instead I stayed quiet and shook my head.

We all stayed quiet, though it looked more like they were trying to figure out how exactly Percy was involved in this whole thing.

"Let's go talk to her again. I'm sure she'll be a little startled to know that we know the truth." I nodded.

"Yeah, but where is Percy?" I asked. The two looked at me with confused expressions.

"Wait, you haven't seen her? I assumed you walked over to try and yell at us or something" I shook my head.

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