Chapter 53: >:)

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-----------------------Percy's pov:----------------------

The first thing I woke up to was the screaming, it was a combination of monster growls and yells and people yelling my name. I pulled my head up off the ground, my eyes flaring to life as my vision became steady. I was on a ledge, nothing high, it was more like a glorified stool honestly. I could hear someone cackling behind me, instantaneously I knew who it was. 

The Joker. 

Contrary to popular belief I did try to escape that stupid prison but I didn't make it far when I was slammed on the back of the head with what I can only describe to be a chair sized hammer. You can see how I went limp upon impact. 

My head seemed to scream in pain at the mere memory but that wasn't my biggest problem, my biggest problem was the fact that the other 14 were here fighting off hoard upon hoards of monsters. I could vaguely see them calling out to me, though I could clearly make out a yellow blur zooming in between the crowds a trail of dust following behind. 

I tried pushing myself up but a sudden force pushed me down to the ground. I let out a small grunt as I felt a boot crush into my back. 

"You can't get away from me that easily girl!" I pushed harder against the ground but he continued to put pressure on my back. I knew I was bleeding, that much was evident from the warm feeling coming from my sleeve. Though I don't know if it was bleeding before or after I passed out. 

Suddenly a deep, gut wrenching voice filled the air. It's voice was gravelly and dark, one that you'd expect to hear from a slime monster or something that hasn't seen the sun for at least a thousand years. Basically Nico if he weren't exposed to Will. 

All jokes aside, the voice made the hairs on my arm stand up. 

"Has it been done?" Tartarus asked. While I'd never heard his voice before I could only assume that this horrific sound could only come from someone of his stature. 

"Yes Boss! All's done! Now, I'd like my end of the deal" I heard a pause on the other end before a gross crackling noise filled my senses, like someone was dislocating all their joints at once on repeat. 

"Oh, did we agree to something? I don't remember anything of the sort." I could almost see Joker's smile twitching to a frown. 

"But I did what you said-" 

"And you did do great but I'm afraid I don't make deals with puny mortals who are so willing to flip on their own kind. Nice doing business with you" I heard the Joker let out a scream that sounded like nails on a chalk board as his foot was removed from my back. With this I quickly stood up but I didn't have much time on my feet as I felt the ground shake beneath me, and without warning I was launched into the air. All I saw was a flurry of color for a while, some people yelling my name but nothing decernable. 

This was until I felt myself hit the ground. Of course it was painful, my limbs felt like I had been rubbed in sandpaper but as far as I was concerned, as long as I could still move my limbs I was okay. I pushed myself off the ground as the scene from my dream began to unfold. The ground from which I had previously been crumbled and cracked as first a hand poked through. The monsters seemed to split with the seven on one half and the yj team on the other, each side producing just as much dust as the other. Though I didn't have long to think about this as I watched the hellish being lift himself out of the ground, his skin caked in dirt, something that hadn't been as prominent in the dream as I remember. 

That was when I remembered what happened next. I quickly scanned the crowd for Tim, my eyes widening in fear in panic. I quickly spotted him, he was fighting fiercely, only paying attention to the monsters that crowded around him like a bunch of fan girls at a concert. I looked back over to the massive being to see him lifting his foot up, ready to crush Tim. 

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