Chapter 23: Party

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-------------Percy's pov:-------------

When I heard the knock I quickly stood up. I took a deep breath as I prepared to go out before I made my way to the door. I quickly opened the door to reveal Tim in a very flatter tux. It was black with a blue tie. His hair was messy but nice, and his eyes seemed to shine. I looked down in his hand and notice a bouquet of flowers. I watched as he took in a deep breath as he looked over the dress. I couldn't stop the small smile that formed on my lips. 

"Hey" I said, trying to see if he would respond.

he blinked rapidly before seeming to come to his senses. "Hey! uh, I mean... these are for you" He quickly extends the flowers out to me. I quickly take them, and they must have been pretty expensive as they looked very nice and well kept. 

"Thanks! I'm gonna quickly put them in a vase, please come in" I left the door open as I walked inside to put the flowers in a vase I had laying around. I quickly put some water in it as well before leaving them on the counter. As I look back I see Tim standing by the door, his hands to the side as he looks at me. I think he was waiting for me to hurry so I quickly walked back over. "You ready to go?" I asked. He nods quickly before we make our way out. 

We walk in silence for a while before I hear him start talking again. "You look amazing" His voice was quiet. I looked over to see him looking in the other direction. I felt some heat rush to my face, so I quickly put a hand on my face to try and hide it. 

"Thanks, you look quite good yourself. I'm loving the blue tie" He goes quiet for a second before he speaks up. 

"Well I assumed since your favorite color was blue that you'd like it so..." He trails off as he slowly looks back over to me. "Yeah" I give him a reassuring smile which seems to make him less tense as his shoulders relax and a calmer smile appeared on his face. "I saw a bunch of golden glitter in your apartment, was Piper here already?" He asked. 

"Yeah, she lent me this dress, though I had picked something out for tonight it wasn't nearly as fancy." 

His next sentence was quiet but I was still able to pick it up. "I'm sure you still would have looked stunning." I once again tried to hide the rising temperature in my cheeks as we made our way down the stairs. "Anyways, I just wanted to thank you for joining me tonight, I understand these things are boring and all but it's a lot more fun to have you as company."

I nodded, "Of course, I love spending time with you, and if it'll make this experience better for you then it's no biggie to me." He seemed to beam as I said this.

Eventually we made it to the car outside which was a limo. I had to admit I didn't think we were going this fancy. 

"Here, let me help you in." Tim opened the door, grabbing my hand lightly as I made my way inside. The inside was stunning, with glasses and a mini fridge filled with beverages of different types, ranging from sodas to straight up alcohol. I quickly scooted over so Tim would have room to just scoot in. 

A second after I stopped scooting Tim appeared inside as well, quickly sitting down next to me. "Do you want anything to drink? You can help yourself to anything" Tim offered, looking over to the mini fridge. 

I once again looked over the items but nothing really seemed to stand out to me so I just shook my head. "I'm good, thanks though" He nodded with a small smile in acknowledgement before shutting the door to the limo. Like clockwork the Limo started and we were on the way to our destination. 

"I guess I should have asked this earlier but where exactly is this party being held?" I asked, looking over to Tim. 

"Oh, Bruce scheduled it for some outdoor place. Apparently it's really nice, and since the party isn't that huge as it's more of a thing for publicity you know. Funding and such." Tim shrugged like there wasn't that much to it so I decided to go with a nodded. 

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