Chapter 52 - What did you call me

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Lizzie traces small patterns over my hair, as she plays with the ends of my damp hair. I hum, joy flowing over my body as I lay between her thighs, head comfortably placed on her stomach.

I sigh and close my eyes, relishing the feeling of her fingers slowly moving through my hair. "That feels nice."

"Does it?" Lizzie grins, fingers moving over my forehead.


My stomach flutters as one hand moves over my arm, placing her palm on my hand, scratching the top of the skin. Shivers trail over my body, angling my hand to the other side, intertwining our fingers together. Letting out a soft sigh of relief, I press a light kiss on her knuckles.

"I love how safe you make me feel. It feels like nothing can happen to me whenever I'm with you." I whisper, pressing against her warm embrace, feeling her fingers close a bit tighter around mine.

"I'm always going to keep you safe, darling. You're the only one for me." My heart beats calmly, basically hearing her soft smile as she slowly leans forward, bending down in the awkward position and pressing a kiss on my forehead.

A chuckle escapes my lips as the weird position, gently rolling onto my stomach. Lizzie looks at me with amused eyes, pushing a strand of hair out of my eyes.

"This is better." I whisper, leaning forward to connect our lips, fingers cradling her face.

I gently scoot up, settling on her legs as she caresses my back, humming as her soft lips suck on my bottom lip. Never seeming to get enough of her, I hug her closer. The grip on my waist tightens, sparks of electricity rushing through my blood.

The kisses aren't overly sexual in nature, having a calming effect on both of us as we bathe in the comfort of one another.

After a while, her lips moved to my ear, planting a long kiss there. Her fingers rub against my back muscles, gently easing away the stiffness and relaxing my body. My eyes flutter close, heart pounding for her as Lizzie softly presses my head back down on her chest.

"I thought about what you said yesterday. About how you didn't get to meet my family." Lizzie mumbles, my heart pounding faster, waiting for her to continue. "I want you to meet them, my mother and my sisters...just not my father yet."

"That's okay." I open my eyes, staring at her with an understanding expression. "We take this as slow, however you want it, love. You don't have to feel pressured to do it."

"I love you, and I don't want you to keep our relationship a secret anymore." Lizzie smiles at me, shaking her head as her fingers trace over my jawline. "I want you to meet them, y/n. They'll be happy for me for finding the person who I want to love forever, spending the rest of my life with."

My heart jumps at the confession, a stupid smile appearing on my face as my eyes twinkle. "Forever sounds amazing, sweetheart."

"It does, doesn't it?" Her eyes shine with love, my breath catching in my throat at the sight. "So, do you want to come visit my family with me during the winter break?"

"I'd love to meet your family." I whisper, gently pressing a kiss on her lips. "Besides..." I pause, weighing my next words. "I painfully miss your sisters."

"You're ruining the moment, y/n." Lizzie groans, slapping my shoulder and clicking her tongue. Another laugh escapes my mouth, seeing annoyance spread over her face. "You'll stay away from them, when we're there."

"That would be rude." I laugh, raising an eyebrow. "But how can I visit your family without talking to your sisters?"

Lizzie rolls her eyes, my grin widening. "I don't know. They're unpredictable, and Ashley gives you way too many flirtatious looks for my liking."

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