Chapter 4 - Night out

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"But it's a school night."

Kim sits on the bed and looks at me with frustration clearly not wanting to leave the safe place called "bedroom".

"And? We did the same stuff even last year. So don't be a party pooper." I try to make her agree, putting my hands against my hips.

For once, she seriously needs to let go of this whole good girl thing. It will only make her feel better since she's already so stressed and it's only the second day.

"I know that we did that. That's why I still think it isn't a good idea," she insists, holding on to her pillow like it would save her from me.

I only shake my head.

"Come on, y/n. It's our last year, we need to focus on getting good marks," she whines with a desperate tone in her voice but seeing the stubborn look on my face she already knows that she's going to lose this debate.

"Noo," I exclaim, "You just stated the whole point of why we need to go out. It's our last year at college, and who knows if we even see each other regularly again. So buckle up, we are going drinking."


Putting on the last layer of mascara and lipstick, I stare at my reflection in the mirror. It feels good to get myself ready for the night.

Leaning forward I touch the light crease on my forehead. I still look somehow tense, a constant furrow in my brows reminding myself of the argument with her.

At the reminder, I close my eyes. The look in her eyes. They were filled with so much anger. I still don't know what could have caused this kind of response from her. It was weird. Never would I have thought that she could pull out this reaction. She just seemed so pure. Like the perfect human I thought she would be. After this, I wasn't so sure anymore.

"Are you done in there?" Kim knocks on the door with a ringing voice urging me to hurry up.

Well now she wants to go. Then I better not keep her waiting before the enthusiasm disappears again. I take a deep breath, shaking my head to block out the recent thoughts. It's party night. So none of that anymore.

As I step out of the bathroom, I see Louis' eyes widen in amazement. His eyes travel down my outfit, soaking it in.

Bad idea. Now I'm not so sure if he can keep his hands off me. But his awestruck face only feeds my inner ego, making me feel appreciated. Even if it's only from a guy.

"Ohh, you are dressed to kill, girl." James whistles in surprise, seeing me wear a short dress with black heels. I know that I look good but his confirmation only makes me feel better earning him a real smile.

At the compliment, I spin myself around, showing off my red dress. I bought it a few days ago, knowing it would come in handy for exactly this night.

"Thank you," I grin.

"The person you'll take home is one lucky boy," Louis declares. "- or girl." He adds quickly, seeing my raised eyebrows.

"Let's hope it will come to that. I really need to blow off some steam." I exhale, pushing my hair over my shoulders.

"So, are we ready to go, ladies?"

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