Chapter 44 - I love you

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"It's not far away, so we can walk. Or do you want to take a cab?" Lizzie asks as we walk out of the hotel. The cold wind embraces me instantly, but I just gulp it down, shaking my head.

"No, I'm fine. Do you want to take one?" I let my eyes drift over her beige coat and her red scarf. Me on the other hand only wears a black puffer jacket that doesn't help much against the cold, but it suits my outfit more.

"No, I'm alright." Lizzie grins, nodding and leading me down the street. "Don't worry about me, darling, you are the one who's always cold."

"Not always," I huff.

"I'm only teasing." She bumps her shoulder against mine, a soft sound of her addicting laugh escaping her mouth.

My middle warms at the sound, hoping that this feeling would never end. I look at her and catch her eyes instantly, her emerald ones shining in the setting sunlight.

God, she is so beautiful.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lizzie raises a brow, amusement glinting in her eyes as I quickly turn my head back around.

"Like what?"

"I don't know? You tell me." She chuckles, but I don't move my eyes from the floor, feeling heat rising to my face.

"You...You just looked pretty in the light." I mumble, biting down on my tongue before anything else slips past my lips.

Lizzie hums quietly. "You're also very beautiful, darling."

Quietly we walk down the roadside by side, the Christmas lights glinting in the shop windows. I smile, a stupid feeling of pure happiness overcoming my senses. The moment is quickly replaced by the cool wind that makes shivers trail down my spine.

Noticing my little shiver, she instantly leans closer, grabbing my hand and tucking it inside her pocket. Her breath hitches as she feels my icy fingers, the corners of my lips twitching as she throws me a disapproving look.

"I told you that you should have put on the gloves." Lizzie mutters, thumb rubbing over my cold skin, trying to give me a bit more of her warmth. "Your hands are freezing."

"Maybe I just wanted you to keep them warm." I grin, side eying her and catching her rolling her eyes at my comment.

With my hand in her pocket we walk to the club, pacing our way through the busy streets of New York.

At the entrance a broad tall man greets us, his intimidating look immediately washes away as he smiles brightly at us. "Oh, Miss Hathaway, what a delight to see you here tonight."

I smile, taking a swift glance at Lizzie, wondering why everyone seems to know her so well. That's something we seriously need to talk about, which reminds me of the weird man she talked to last night.

Inside the club, we move to the back of the room where the booths are, the twins texting us their location.

"Over here, Liz." Alice waves at us, grinning from ear to ear as she sees us.

We sit down in the booth, ordering us drinks while Lizzie catches up with her sisters. Lizzie relaxes quickly which can be from the alcohol or the true happiness she receives from being surrounded by her family.

But sadly, the conversation turns around to me, a situation I saw coming but didn't look forward to. Alice drowns her drink, shifting her attention to me with a wide grin.

"So tell us a little about yourself," Alice sighs, "I want to know everything about the girl who swept my baby sis off her feet."

I chuckle, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Well, I'm 23, and I really like to play the piano. What else? I can't cook, but I really love food. I think that's it."

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