Chapter 51 - Winter wonderland

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With the sounds of something clattering downstairs, I wake up from my deep sleep, groaning as I rub my hands over my eyes. With a huff, I turn over on my stomach, burying my face into her pillow, breathing in her scent.

Vanilla has easily become my favorite smell, making me wonder if that's normal. Her hold on me invades all of my senses, feeling like she consumes my heart more with each day.

After a few minutes, I slowly got out of bed, seeing one of her hoodies  carefully folded on the bedside drawer. I grin, stomach fluttering as I see the small message that sticks on the fabric.

Good morning, love. Wear this, so you're not cold and come downstairs, I've made breakfast <3

Oh yes, I definitely love her.

With a giggly smile I pull her hoodie over my head, the fabric smelling of her and I bury my nose into the warmth.

I quietly head into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and brushing my messy hair, braiding it into a loose bun. With a pounding heart, I walk out of the room, yearning to have her in my arms again after the last days spent apart.

I peek into the kitchen, grinning from ear to ear as the dancing woman comes into my view. Standing in front of the stove, Lizzie sways her hips to the beat of some song playing on the radio, softly singing along to the lyrics.

My heart clenches at the sight, wishing for this to never end. I missed the morning spent with her, the atmosphere always so familiar and safe. The corner of my lips tuck into a smile as Lizzie happily jumps around the kitchen, like she owns it.

I want to wake up every day beside her, spending my mornings with her, and I could never be bored. That's all I want, and I could die peacefully at the end of life.

"Good morning, beautiful."

Lizzie looks at me with a grin, raising a brow as she notices my dreamy eyes. I lick over my lips, walking towards her with a smile, gently rubbing her back as I hug her.

"Good morning, love." I whisper into the junction of her neck and shoulders. She's so warm and soft, making me press myself closer to her.

Lizzie smiles, pressing a soft kiss against my forehead. "You're finally awake, sleepyhead. How did you sleep?"

"Really good." I hum, letting my fingers glide through her blonde hair. "This was the best sleep I've gotten since our vacation."

"Oh did you?" Lizzie teases, laying her hand around my waist to pull me closer. My heart jumps, her fingers tracing small patterns over my skin underneath the hoodie. "What made you sleep so well? And don't say my bed was comfortable."

"Mhm, I think I just missed my little volcano beside me, " I answer, seeing her eyebrows raise and shivers trail over my skin. "But I did miss you beside me when I woke up."

"Little," she scoffs, "Darling, you do know that I'm taller than you." One finger pokes into my chest, clicking her tongue as she tilts her head.

I grin, standing on my tiptoes as I press a kiss against her forehead. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Liz."

With a chuckle, she presses me down again,  a bright laugh escaping her mouth. "Sit. I made you breakfast."

"Yes, Miss." I mumble teasingly, interlocking our fingers together and pressing a swift kiss on her knuckles. "Everything you say, I'll do."

"Unbelievably great at annoying the hell out of me this morning." She rolls her eyes, pushing me in the direction of the table.

"You love it, babe." With a laugh I sit down at the table, staring at her with loving eyes as she turns off the stove.

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