Chapter 21 - McDonald's

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"McDonald's? Really your definition of lunch is fast food."

"It's the most uncrowded place I know in this town. Besides, you don't want to sit inside a restaurant, so the best way to get food is with a drive-in."

"Well, I didn't mean greasy food."

I slowly drive to the drive-through, the smell of burgers already welcoming us through the open windows.

"Don't argue, some burgers taste good."

"Yeah, I love the taste of dead animals." She says sarcastically.

My brow arches curiously at her dry comment. "Oh no. Let me guess you're a vegetarian."


"Alright. So you're living a healthy life, but they surely have some other options for you, or you can just eat fries."

She hums, turning her head away from me looking at the menu card that's placed beside the road.

I raise an eyebrow. "You eat fries, don't you? Or are you someone who doesn't even eat the food that's made on the same stove."

"I do eat fries." She responds with an eye roll.
"That's exactly what I had in mind when you proposed the idea of grabbing lunch."

The line of cars moves forward, and I roll up to the microphone ordering myself a cheeseburger and a coke and for her fries.

"Alright. Is that all or do you want anything else?"

I turn around to face her, asking if she wants something else to her fries, but she declines with a shake of her head.

A thought comes up to me and I turn back around, adding another thing to my previous order.

"Two vanilla cones please." I add with a smile, ignoring the way I feel her eyes bore into me. The woman on the other line adds the ice to the order and I drive to the window where I receive the food.

I hand the staff the money, avoiding any glances that I want to steal to the side, feeling the burn on my skin from her stare.

The woman excuses herself for a second, getting the food ready, leaving us alone. Her absence is the perfect timing for Ms Hathaway to say what she has on her mind.

"I didn't want anything else." She states. Her voice sounds reproachful, making me shrug in respond.

"I don't care."

She mutters something back, but I can't understand her, turning her back to me as we wait for the food to come. After a minute the woman returns with a bag, handing it to me and bidding us a good day, and I drive off the drive-through.

"Do you want to go back to your office or where do you want to eat?," I ask.

"I wanted to get the rest of the grading done, but that won't be possible unless I want my office to smell like burgers for the rest of eternity."

I chuckle, looking at her from the side. "Oh, don't be so dramatic, it doesn't smell that bad. Maybe the smell would remind you to eat properly, so you don't have to rely on my good intentions."

"Yeah, maybe I should." She sighs, gaze hanging on me for far longer than usual before returning her eyes to the front. "Still it smells horrible. It will most likely taste like it, too."

I stop the car in the parking lot in front of McDonald's, reaching for the bag that I put on the back seat. With a watering mouth I place the items on the dashboard, my stomach rumbling in excitement of the food.

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