Losing her

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I don't know what went wrong, or why it went wrong, one moment she was staring at me with those two beautiful eyes that I wished to dive into for the rest of my life, and the next, she laid unconscious next to me, blood gliding down her cheek as her head remained on the sterring wheel as the car rested against a tree. I wanted to yell, I wanted to wake her, but my body couldn't move, and my mouth couldn't speak. It felt like being above your own shape, as a shadow, I could see everything, my arm wrapped by glass as it had came through the window, my knee dislocated as it rested on the seat, my eyes barely open as my wards shifted uncomfortably under my painful lids. I felt my body slowly giving in, slowly, very slowly, my eyes closed, and I was gone. Along with her.
I had heard a lot about Near Death Experience, how people pretended to have seen the other side of the world, a lightning unsteady place although securing. Some would say they saw their loved ones reaching for them in slow motion, chasing the blur, others would plainly describe landscapes, conversations or even memories they would have shared with another spirit as they saw their own body laying beneath them, ready to be reanimate, doctors rushing around in panick, all hoping to save a life. I never believed in anything but hallucinations created by the power of our mind, but as my body fought the images away, I felt myself sink deep down, the lack of oxygen overpowering my weak Human strength.

"She's seizing, get her diazepam! Add 2mg of morazopam!"

Flashlights, blood everywhere, echoes.

'Where's Emma?' The car, the lack of oxygen, help me.

I felt my bones break painfully through the pressure of glass surrounding me. My eyes moved franctically, I was terrified. My lungs cried out for air, I was suffocating.

"Load her with phenolbarbitol ! "

The feeling that my soul left my body gradually invaded me, leaving me powerless and beset by a growing anxiety, my skin was cold, almost purple. The pressure in my head prevented me to impose my body any effort to survive. Echoes crept into my mind, speeding up the rate at which my heart panicked, shaking, skipping a beat in its unbridled race. I did not understand the words I heard, they seemed so distant, so distorted. Maybe I was already dead, maybe my mind was gripped by such an intense panic that it was playing tricks on me, driving me crazy. Clouds of oxygen escaped from my chapped lips, frozen by the coldness of it. A blinding light approached me, but my body remained impassive and stoic, frozen with fear, or maybe this was all just a dream. A rough and firm hand drifted toward me, ready to seize my body devoid of life, but the only thing that presented itself to me was darkness.

"Code blue, Code blue ! Charge paddles to 200 !"

Paddles? What was going on? Where was Emma ? I cringed at the pain invading my chest, my throat was tightening, I was going to throw up.

"Charge them to 300 !"

"Charge them to 360 ! Come on Madison !"

My body seized as my eyes shot open, reddened by the thickness of the air. My lungs reached for oxygen as my nails dived into my palms, my body fought whoever tried to touch me.

"Emma. Emma. Emma." Her name echoed in my head, like a pulse. Tears fell from my eyes, drowning my flesh. Panick drove me through hysteria as I kicked hard and fast.

Snatches of words, echoes and white forms surrounded me, increasing the beat of my heart.

"Give her morphine, it will calm her down."

"Emma." My voice broke down in an inaudible whisper, my mind slowly being buried in the depths of darkness.

"Emma. "

My eyes flew open, facing the blinding light of the white room, instantly missing the securing scent of my girlfriend. Was it a dream ? I frowned in confusion, lost in the middle of a breath. My body, it felt sore. Someone was squeezing my hand delicately, almost brushing my flesh in fear of breaking me with a single touch. I blinked, trying to get used to the daylight and faced my mother's wincing face.

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