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Following up my cousin's advice to escape Mrs.Brown's intoxicating presence, I decided to join her dance team in order to relax after school and to have something that would only be mine, a place where I would take out my energy and release my frustrations. Her coach had been nice enough to let me in as soon as I had made it there, she could have waited for me to pay the semester, yet I think she saw how bad I needed this, plus I was Sarah's cousin, which made me kind of trustworthy to her. I was extremely grateful for her allowing me to stay. We had started with a simple choreography based on the song "Let me go". The rhythm was quite getting into my veins, almost instantly helping me to match the others' moves. Trying my best not to be at the back like the newbie I was, I forced myself to memorize the movements quickly and to reproduce them just as fast. After the first half an hour I knew the choreography by heart, and as the coach let us take a break, I laid on the floor against a wall, drinking a sip of my watter bottle. Today was sunday and I needed all of this to give me strength for the next day as I'd see her first period.

"Isn't it pretty intense for a first day?" A young brunette sat by our side, raising her hair to put them into a ponytail. I had noticed her earlier as she was one of the best dancers, had six packs and everything, the confident kinda girl. She was good at what she did. I just smiled politely and nodded slightly at her.

"I'm trying my best though." I declared as the girl nodded.

"I saw that, you've got moves." It shouldn't have made me so happy, after all I was just there to relax not to become a professional dancer, but coming from her, it instantly felt like a compliment.

"I'm Elle. Elle Brown." She raised her hand for me to shake. I winced a little bit at the last name which seemed to follow me everywhere I went. Shaking her hand, I tried not to make my feelings obvious. We stood up and went back into place to start up. The rest of the time went well, I got most of the moves and I felt surprisingly relaxed afterwards, like nothing could make me upset or stress me out.

"Want to go grab a drink?" Elle offered as I thought about it. Going back home and think about her tirelessly or grab a drink with her and Sarah to relax even more? The decision was quickly made as I followed them out toward the nearest bar. I hated the fat that I was sweating but I could really enjoy a drink to cool down. We sat by the window and ordered three vodkas.

"So, how old are you?" Elle asked, obviously curious about me. I couldn't tell if I was pleased with it or not.

"I'm seventeen, you?"

"Eighteen. So have you always wanted to dance ?" I shook my head, somewhat disappointing her. I giggled at her pout and explained.

"I just needed something to release my frustrations and stress and Sarah gently offered me to join." I pointed at my cousin who blushed slightly as she giggled.

"I know I know, I'm the best." She said confidently, making us laugh.

"What about you, how long have you danced?" I asked, this time curious myself. She was just so good she had to be dancing for quite a long time.

"Actually I started when I was eight. And I'm still here." I was honestly impressed, she must definitely be the best in her dance team. We eventually ordered another drink, and another, and the next thing I knew we were playing in a fountain under the night sky. Lights erupted from cars and cafes that stood around us. Laughing hard, we danced our choreography in the water, some people stopping to watch us, some old ones saying how we would get ourselves in troubles, but by the time we didn't care about anything but dance. We somehow stopped at one point and sat on the ground, the alcohol leaving our bodies. I had needed tonight, Elle was definitely a funny girl, I would grow to appreciate her company. She'd make a great friend, although she was older, I wasn't too bothered by it.

"I should call someone to pick us up. We're so drunk." Sarah mentioned, as we both nodded in gratitude. Her brother arrived about fifteen minutes later, we first gave a lift to Elle before driving me home. I thanked them both and walked in as my parents were already asleep, thank God. Laying down on my bed, I fell asleep instantly, without taking my clothes off. That night, I didn't dream at all.

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