School trip

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The sky was falling down over the town as we drove toward the airport where we'd take a plane to London. Sitting next to Lia, I straightened myself, excited for the trip. I was beyond overwhelmed and I loved travelling by night, it made everything so much more intense, so much more magical. Music echoing within my ears, I kept on thinking about her, about how things would go. She was sitting at the front of the bus next to Mr.Pepper, they were laughing about something, making me a bit jealous that he was able to hear her laugh when I wasn't, not even in class. We eventually reached the airport after about an hour on the road. Our teachers hushed us, asking us to be respectable and nice to people. It got pretty easy until it was time to get in the plane, of course I was sitting between Lia and Jake while Mrs.Brown was sitting right in front of me, in the next front row. She could basically hear everything we were talking about so I tried my best not to mention anything that was related to her. Until Lia started questionning me that is. I could see the stars sparkling in the sky through the window. Everything was already so perfect.

"What are you the most excited about in London?" She asked nicely, truly interested in my answer. I pursed my lips and thought for a moment, wanting to get it right.

"London Eye. It must be so magical to see the whole town from up there, especially at night. With all of the lights sparkling, enlightening the town. I'd love to be up there." I nodded to myself, daydreaming about the place. It would surely be my favourite moment there.

"I hope we'll get to visit it before going through all the museums you know. I wanna discover the town itself." She explained as I agreed with her.

We would both have such a good time. I could already feel the wind upon my skin as I'd take photographs of different places.

"Elle's gonna be so jealous!" She exclaimed, taking a picture of the night sky. I nodded, thinking about the girl. She had found a really sweet girlfriend which loved her so deeply. I was a bit jealous of her, she was able to be with the one she loved while I had to watch her from afar. Sighing, I focused my gaze on the seat in front of me and wondered what Mrs.Brown could be doing. She was either reading or sleeping since she didn't talk at all. Mr.Pepper, that was another story, he seemed to be trying to catch her attention, in vain. The poor guy. He was even more excited about this trip than all of us.

"I think I'm gonna sleep a little bit." I said, closing my eyes, music still echoing in my ears.

All of these songs reminded me of her, of our moment, of her words. I couldn't let go of those and I wondered if she thought about me as much as I thought about her. Laying my head against Lia's shoulder, I was soon woken up by none other than Mrs.Brown who was waiting for me to take the paper she was handing me. Blushing, I grabbed it and gave one to Lia while Jake was already going through it. It seemed to be a plan of our activities while we'd be in England. I beamed as I saw that we'd be going to London eye. My dream would come true.

"Look, we're going to the library! Why's that?" Jake exclaimed, not convinced by this activity.

"We're going with our English teachers, might as well learn something right?" I shrugged, turning my attention to Lia who seemed to be overjoyed. A smirk sooned appeared on her face, making me frown in wonder.

"What's up with the grin on your face?" I asked curiously.

She made me see the back of her paper and I couldn't help but let out a gasp. Here, at the very bottom, was written Mrs.Brown's and Mr.Pepper's phone numbers! I mean, it was surely in case we were missing or something but maybe I could use it for a whole different matter. Maybe she'd be willing to talk to me by texts.

"I do not want anyone calling us unless you're in a dangerous position okay guys?" Said Mr.Pepper, making me bit on my lower lip.

I knew I should listen to him, but the temptation was real. Taking my phone out, I saved their numbers and put it back in my pocket. I wouldn't text her now, it would be useless. At least that's what I thought. They both sat back down , making me tense. They eventually started to talk, allowing me to hear them quite clearly.

"I hope there won't be any issues with my group, you gave me all the one who got authority issues." complained the guy as she giggled beautifully.

He was right, the poor man had the worst students. They weren't interesting in anything but embarrassing their teacher. That was part of why I was thankful to be with her. I'd learn so many things with her.

"Don't worry, they're always good when I'm around." She laughed, making me smile tenderly. How I missed this sound.

"Exactly! When you're around. This time you won't be. Why not giving me some of your other students?" He asked, hoping she'd switch their groups. I secretly hoped she wouldn't.

"No, I keep my best students." She said happily, I could hear her smile through her voice.

"What about Madison? She's so keen on learning, I won't feel as useless if she's there!" the old man huffed in annoyance.

Eyes bulging, I cringed, ready to throw a tantrum. Her reply came fast though, relaxing me.

"I keep Madison. You'll be fine, don't worry."

Knowing that she wanted me by her side made my heart go warm. That's when they stopped talking, both getting into their own books. I decided to start sleeping , so I'd wake up a few hours later. After all, the plane wasn't my favourite part of the trip.

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