Meet HER

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To be able to love, to be able to feel, was one of the greatest thing in life. It wasn't just about being, it was about living deeply, and I didn't know I was capable of doing so before I met her. She was one of the greatest teachers I had ever met, caring for her students, always looking clean and beautiful, her red hair falling gently on her shoulders. She never let go of that smile of hers and kept showing it around. She was truly the best example of a fully living human being, she never ceased to amaze me. I had known her for a few months although I had never dared talking to her, she was so intimidating to me that looking up at her took me huge efforts. I was addicted to her voice and growing fond of her bright, sparkling gaze. I had never looked at anyone the way I looked at her, she was different. There was something about her that made her special, I couldn't tell what, but it was definitely there. She was the kind of woman to use petnames and to hug people around, making them feel greater about themselves. Her name was Mrs.Brown. Married and mother of two little children, she made sure to give time to her family and to us, never deceiving anyone. She inspired me a lot.

"Madison can you please repeat what I just said?" Her delectable voice made out, making me blush hard. She did that a lot, scolding me in front of everyone, not in a cold way, but I guess she needed to be upset when students weren't listening.

Mouth wide open, eyes falling down, I shook my head, feeling ashamed. I wished I could just focus on her lessons, but she was so distracting, I just couldn't help myself.

"Stay after class please." My heart froze instantly. She had never done that before, making me stay, this was a first and I wasn't ready at all. Being alone with her wasn't such a good idea, I'd look like an idiot once more and I refused for that to happen. Playing nervously with my blonde hair, I wondered what she'd say to me. Would she be mean? Or would she be understanding? Scolding myself for getting caught, I wrote down a slight bit of her lesson, pretending to be focused on what she was saying when really, I didn't understand what she was talking about. The bell eventually rang, making my heart race in my chest. I wasn't used to have panick attacks, but when it came to her, it happened quite naturally. Moving up from my chair, I grabbed my stuffs and hoped to be able to hide among the others in order to leave, however my name echoed, making me stop dead in my tracks. Breathing in and out, I turned around, more nervous than ever. Why was I feeling so sick in front of her? She was just a teacher after all, a gorgeous, caring, sweet teacher who happened to have the deepest eyes I had ever seen. Keeping my gaze fixed on my hands, I waited for her to speak. I heard her chair crisping against the ground, indicating that she had stood up to face me. I could see her heels from the corner of my eyes, leading to her long legs. Shaking my head internally, I focused on my fingers once more.

"Madison." She sighed, leaning against her desk, allowing me to breathe normally, the larger the distance, the better.

"What am I gonna do with you?" She added, her eyes clearly burning through me. I could feel it. Her bright gaze.

"Are your hands interesting?" She said, making me blush harder. So I looked up only to stare at the blackboard which was at my right. I dared a glance toward her and saw her bite her lower lip, making me stare. Her lips were so full and looked so soft. Eyes wide open, I looked away, realizing that my thoughts were inappropriate.

"Why aren't you writing anything in class?" She mentioned, never looking away from me. I felt really uncomfortable by now.

"You just keep staring at me, I don't mind it, "
her voice had been huskier and softer, almost desperate for me to say something. "but you could try and focus."

I did the only thing I could do at the moment, I nodded, hoping this would satisfy her.

"Why are you trying to hard to look away now that we're alone?" The more she spoke, the more I grew nervous and uneasy. Why would she ask me that anyway? She had to know she made me nervous, it wasn't hard to see.

"Madison...." She sighed once more, making me bite my lip. I just wanted to run away, the further possible.

"You can leave now." She finally said. I literally ran out of there, my breathing brief and hard. What was she doing to me? I had to find a way to make these feelings stop, these sensations weren't meant to be. I knew I probably disappointed her, but I couldn't help it.

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