File Complaints

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The educated youth have already arrived at the commune, and they have filed a complaint with the leader of the educated youth office.

  When a group of them arrived at the commune in mighty force, the leaders of the commune didn't know what they were going to do.

  "You are?"

  Li Hui temporarily spoke on behalf of everyone: "Hello, leadership, we are the educated youth of Lihua Village."

  "Oh, the educated youth of Ewha Village, what are you doing today?"

  "The report leader is here for us to report. Our educated youths worked so hard in the autumn harvest. When the grain was distributed, the cadres of Lihua Village said that we didn't have a few centimeters and could not exchange much grain?"

  One of the leaders didn't believe it and said: "I know this Lihua Village. Their village party secretary distributes enough food to the educated youth every year. He always praises Lu Ping for his leadership. How could this happen. Who is Comrade Lu Ping? "

  Several educated youths were a little embarrassed and a little angry. Why did Lu Ping put his name in front of the leaders of the commune?

  "Comrade Lu Ping did not come today. He is now a teacher in the village elementary school, with ten centimeters a day."

  One leader remembered Li Mo and said, "Isn't there a Li Zhiqing in your village? She doesn't seem to be here."

  This time, the educated youth side couldn't help saying: "Leader, I want to report that Li Mo has an abnormal male-female relationship with the village leaders. The cadres in the village arrange light work for her and judge her advanced."

  "This matter is not trivial, have you seen it with your own eyes? Which leader is it?"

  "I didn't see it, but Li Mo often went to the village party secretary's house, and the village party secretary often helped her."

  Several leaders thought about it, the village party secretary of Lihua Village is an old man.

  "What's your name for this comrade?"

  "My name is Meng Fang, leading comrade."

  "Comrade Meng Fang, right, we will investigate and understand the problems you report."

  "Thank you, comrade leader."

  "It's okay, we will understand what you said that there is no grain, and I will give you an explanation. You can go back and wait first."

  Hearing the commune leaders say so, a group of people are very happy, especially the girls. Because Li Mo might be arrested.

  After they left, several leaders immediately held a meeting with all the leaders of the commune to discuss the matter.

  "Since something like this has happened, let's go to Lihua Village to arrest people."

  "Li Pan, you are too impulsive. Without investigation, you have no right to speak. How do you know that this is not a group of educated youths who are lazy and do not work? Now come to make false accusations."

  "What about Li Mo and the village party secretary? Isn't this messing up the relationship between men and women?"

  "Old Li didn't say you, you also know that the party secretary of Lihua Village is over 60 years old. If you can't say that, Li Mo just went to play with his granddaughter."

  "Who can say no? The head of this Lihua Village has always treated the educated youth very well. Wasn't their village praised last year?"

  "Let's ask someone from Lihua Village to come over and ask them what's going on."

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