New House

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 Lu Ping is ready to build a house. The news came suddenly, but it was understandable. He has a partner in the local area. If he wants to get married, he must have a house. In the educated youth, they cannot live.

  Just got married and completely became a local, and probably won't be able to go back. An educated youth who still hopes to return to the city cannot easily deal with the people in the village.

  Recently, Meng Fang and Feng Qing began to accept the lads in the village. Some lads helped them with their work and occasionally gave them some things. Life was much better than before.

  The educated girls have more or less opinions towards her. If there is no contradiction, it is impossible to have the same harmony as before.

  That day, Li Mo and Taohua were picking wild vegetables on the mountain together, and talked about the news that the village party secretary had brought back from a meeting in the town.

  "My grandfather Momo came back from a meeting in the town yesterday and said that in our village we will have some evil five types of bad elements, and some educated youths. Now there are not enough houses for educated youths."

  Li Mo heard the news and thought that these five black categories should be those who were persecuted during the Cultural Revolution, who were educated and capable.

  As for the arrival of new educated youths, Li Mo now has a headache, living with others has too many conflicts. Maybe she can learn from Lu Ping to build a house outside.

  So Li Mo said to Peach Blossom: "Taohua, how about I build a house not far from Luping's house, and also store a house in the village."

  "Momo actually you don't want to get together with an educated youth, do you? I think it's okay, otherwise, go and ask my grandpa?"

  "That's fine, go to your house later."

  When I went to Taohua's house, the secretary and Grandma Wang were both at home, so Li Mo told them this idea.

  "Party secretary, Grandma Wang, I just heard Peach Blossom say that new educated youth are coming to the village, is it true?"

  "Yes, it has been spread in the village today. It's just that your house is not easy to handle, and it may be built."

  "The secretary, I want to build a house like Lu Ping, to reduce the burden on the village."

  "Have you figured it out? You are now a native of the village after you have built a house. It's not easy to go back."

  "I'm thinking about the party secretary. I'm here to jump in and be a part of this. It's just that I don't have experience in building houses, so I have to ask you to take care of it."

  "These are all trivial things, when do you plan to build a house?"

  "When do you think it will be good?"

  "It's okay now, and we will have to wait for the autumn harvest in a while. You can use centimeters to replace the wood and mud bricks needed for the house in the village. It's just that the tiles are not very easy to make. Then the village will have to build an educated youth spot. I will let you know at that time."

  "Okay, thank you so much."

  Li Mo decided to build a house and worked on this matter every day, and finally built the house in early summer.

  Did not build too many houses, built a large wall. Li Mo built a kitchen, a warehouse, two bedrooms and a hall. In addition, a latrine and toilet are built outside the house. This is the toilet that is most unaccustomed to in this era.

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