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JiYuan abruptly turned around, and coincidentally walked into Ye Junchi's arms.

Even Ye Junchi was stunned from this sudden act of 'throwing oneself into someone's arms'. His eyes was filled with happiness and worries at the same time.

[T/N : Happiness from getting hugged, worries in case it's a misunderstanding]

"What happened?"

JiYuan held back for a moment, he doesn't know how to explain why he inexplicably knew that JiShen was in deep danger all of a sudden. Ye Junchi blinked, and very understandingly asked, "Need my help?"

Hesitating a little bit, JiYuan nodded.

"Just say it ba, but .... I have a small request."

Laughing gently, Ye Junchi bowed down and whispered something at JiYuan's ear.

The tip of JiYuan's ears turned red, the speed of the changes was almost visible to naked eyes. Terrified, JiYuan said, "System!"

System : "Hey, it's useless even if you called me 'Father'."


"Agree first ei, Big bro didn't ask you to do that right now anyway."

"You won't punish me with OOC?" JiYuan carefully asked, and what he received from System was a sneer.

"Who was the one that gave me a long talk with big words, which sums up as human can always change? Since JiYuan's personality has changed, there's nothing to punish OOC with."

Not waiting for JiYuan to burst into happiness, System coldly continued, "But the changes must be done slowly. All the things you have done still fall within a feasible range, if you dared to act out of the ordinary, you will still be punished with OOC."

JiYuan instantly felt that System is a little angel, and agreed in haste. Next, he pursed his lips towards Ye Junchi, who has the expression of smiling yet not smiling in his eyes. Nodding slowly, he(JY) replied, "Alright."1

"I'm looking forward to it."

Ye Junchi rubbed JiYuan's hair. After asking and confirming the intended location, Ye Junchi took JiYuan with him on sword flight.

Generally, people would be careful in places with unknown danger, so they won't use sword flight as it could easily expose their own location and there was not much feeling of security up in the air. But this unspoken practice of the cultivation world was useless when it comes to Ye Junchi.

JiYuan couldn't help but sighed, "Couldn't be Big bro is the most powerful being in both realms?"

System took a look at the basic data of this world, and seriously replied, "One of the very best."

JiYuan never expect that Ye Junchi would be such a mighty figure. After the feeling of surprise, he felt a strange feeling of dissatisfaction, "One of the very best? Big bro is not 'The best'? Who else can be included in this 'Very best'?"

"The other being is also from the demon realm, another demon lord called Yuqiu. He is the most loyal and capable subordinate of the demon ruler. He only appeared once after the demon ruler died. After that, no one ever saw him anymore. I cannot confirm if this person is really one of the very best because Big bro has never fight with him before."

Acknowledging with an 'Oh', JiYuan became silent again and stared at the arm gently hugging his waist for a while. He whispered, "System... say, if I choose to stay here, will JiSi blame me?"

"You finally come round?"

JiYuan closed his eyes, not talking.

Whenever he was idle, he would keep recalling back the dream and wondered what Jisi actually said at the last moment. Just now, he mimicked a few times the shape of his(JS) mouth and found out that JiSi was saying 'Don't take revenge'.

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