Part 1

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Olivia's POV

"Family meeting!" My older brother Ryan shouted as he jogged into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes. Me and Ryan hadn't gotten along for a year or so now, ever since he had found out I was gay, he avoided me or made comments about it to our parents every opportunity he got. Not to mention, he had outed me to them, which backfired for him as they were the most accepting and loving a parent could be.
I shoved a spoonful of cereal into my mouth, as I looked over at my mum, who was giving me a
Here we go again look.
"My girlfriend is coming over for dinner later." He started, looking at us all before continuing "which means everything has to go fine. And you" he said looking directly at me "no gay talk, she might get scared off." I looked down at my cereal, muttering "roger that" as I continued to eat in silence. My parents had always tried to stop him saying things like that, but the more they tried, the more he did it. He just wouldn't stop. Eventually they gave up, and so did I.

"Okay, I've got to go." I said standing up and grabbing my bag. "Bye mum, bye dad." I shouted as I shut the door. I put the straps of my bag over my shoulders and swing my leg over my bike, pushing off the ground to start. I worked in a bookshop, not too far from my house. It was a lovely little shop, and if I'm honest, I liked working there. The owner, Darcy, a nice old lady who had become like a second mother to me, gave me good shifts and I got payed reasonably well. As I cycled down the road I spotted it. I slowed down and hopped off my bike, walking it round the back and locking it up. As I pushed open the doors, the bell jingled above my head.
"Olivia!" Darcy exclaimed, smiling brightly. I walked over to her and hugged her, "hi darcy" I smiled.
"I hope you don't mind, I'm going to get coffee with my husband today, it's our anniversary." She said, patting my shoulder. " you'll have to run the shop on your own today my love."
I smiled, darcy and her husband had been together for about 57 years, I looked up to them. I wanted that kind of love.
"Of course darcy, have a good time!"  I replied, grabbing a box of newly stocked books that needed to be shelved.
I watched as darcy walked out, her husbands car pulling up just as she did. Before she could open the door he came rushing out, flowers in hand. He handed her the flowers before opening the door for her. I waved through the window at her husband, who gave me a warm smile and a wave back.

I spent the first half of my shift shelving our new stock. After I had finished, I sat behind the counter, picking up a book of my own.  I loved reading, it was like an escape from reality. I could read for hours on end and never get bored. Especially if it's a good book.
"Erm excuse me?" I heard a soft voice say from the other side of the counter. I looked up from my book, meeting the eyes of a girl. She didn't look much older than me, maybe a year or two. Her brown hair was tied up into a loose bun, with wired glasses resting on her nose. She wore a grey sweater, and a pair of loose jeans. My gay panic stopped as I realised I had forgotten to reply to her.
"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't see you." I said, smiling softly at the girl in front of me, gesturing to the book I'm holding.
She laughed, it almost sounded angelic.
"No worries, a good book is hard not to loose yourself in." She replied, adjusting her glasses.
"Agreed, what can I help you with?" I asked, standing up. She was slightly shorter than me, meaning I had to look down slightly to make eye contact. "I pre ordered a book, it should have arrived today I think." She said, tapping her fingers on the counter quietly.
"Whats your name?" I asked, ready to type it into the system of the computer.
"Lily brown"
Suits her, I thought, typing her name into the computer.
"Ah yes, Dracula?" I questioned, making sure it was right.
"That's me" she replied, making me laugh.
"No, I mean obviously im not Dracula I just meant that's my book." I finished laughing and looked down at her flustered face, still smiling softly.
"I know, it was just funny." I said walking round the counter, "I'll just go get it."

I walked into the stock room at the back of the store and sighed. I see one pretty girl and suddenly I can't do my job properly anymore. Control yourself. Just a girl getting her book, and I'm just the person giving it to her.
I rummaged through the pre ordered books before I found Dracula. As I walked out of the room, I saw her looking through the other books on the horror shelf.
"Horror fan?" I ask, walking back behind the counter.
"Yeah, not movies though." She replies, laughing slightly.
"I love horror movies." I say, scanning her book. "Anything else you want?"
"No that's it thank you."
She hands me the money, as I slide her book to her across the counter. I smile at her once more before saying "bye, have a nice day!"
"You too." She says, turning around to smile at me before walking out the door.


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