Chapter 77: Come Home

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Loren's POV

"NO!" I shrieked and stepped forward as everybody's heads shot up in my direction.

I raised my heavy hands and pointed the gun at Trevor. The color drained from his face and his smile fell.

"Loren!!" Killian yelled out as I pulled the trigger.

I opened my eyes to see Killian and Adam along with the men who were beating them up on the ground, laying lifeless beside Wesley. I felt sick to my stomach as I looked down at my hand which was holding the cold, hard weapon. My hand covered in blood. And then I realized it. There was one person missing. Trevor.

Suddenly I felt an arm wrap itself around me, pulling me back into the dark depths of another nightmare.

As my mind replayed what happened in the warehouse over and over again. The image of Wesley laying in his own blood, his throat slit open was burned in my mind. I screamed once again as my eyes shot open to a foreign bedroom, the familiar sound of beeping in the background.

I shifted in the bed and groaned when a tube tugged at my arm. I looked up at an IV pump and monitor and realized that I must be in a hospital again.

"Loren?" A soft feminine voice caught my attention. My eyes wandered next to the bed where I saw Emma curled up in a chair, her eyes slowly blinking open.

"Where am I?"

"We're in one of their apartments in L.A."


"Killian and Adam?" Emma stated with a question mark, dumbfounded that I had forgotten about them. But I didn't. I thought we were still stuck in Trevor's game.

I looked over at the door and Emma must have read my mind as she answered the question I didn't even get a chance to ask.

"They're in the next room, they were beat up pretty bad but they're okay. Do you want me to go get him?"

I shook my head. I didn't want to see him. I was so tired of waking up like this. And I couldn't help but want to blame Killian for it all. My life was so simple before I met him. So innocent.

"Did I..." I trailed off as I remembered the plan Wesley and I had.

"No" Killian's voice soothed as if he too, could read my mind. "You didn't.".

I followed Emma's gaze to the doorway where Killian stood. His face was swollen and bruised and a bandage was wrapped around his forehead. My throat burned as I swallowed my saliva.

"So he's ali-"

"Matteo did." He cut me off and concluded.

"But I thought I did" A wave of relief rushed over me. I hadn't killed anybody.

"The moment you raised the gun you fainted" Killian chuckled.

"I'm glad you can find something humorous out of this" I snarled as my face twisted.

Taken aback by my comment, Killian's smile fell. "I'm sorry" he apologized and stepped further into the room.

"No. Get out." I growled and sat up in bed. "I don't want you in here!"

Killian stopped in his place and looked at me, pleading to let him hold me.

"Did I stutter?" I questioned as the site of him made my blood boil. "GO!!!" I screamed and he finally nodded, turning around without another word. As soon as the door shut I laid back down, tears welling up in my eyes.

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