Chapter 54: Locked up

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Loren's POV

I awoke the following morning in a foreign bedroom surrounded by white linen curtains flowing with a breeze. The sun was barely rising and the bedroom was still dark from the night.

Killian laid silently beside me only taking a shallow breath every few seconds. I tried to fall back asleep but the images of Wesley and the possibilities of what would happen today kept running through my head.

Instead of tossing and turning in the bed I decided that I might as well get up and start my day. As I let the warm water of the shower run over my body I replayed our discussion last night in my head. Initially the plan was to have Matteo and a few other members with me while I spoke with Wesley, both to intimidate him and also torture him if he didn't talk. But I wanted to talk to Wesley in private. After a lot of persuading, Killian and Matteo agreed to let me talk to him alone.

I was supposed to ask who he was working for and why he was working for them but to me, it wasn't that simple. Wesley wouldn't tell me everything right away.

Once I was done with my shower I dried my hair and put it into a loose braid and dressed myself in a white cotton dress. I decided against makeup as the heat of the day would melt it right off. When I got out of the bathroom Killian was still sleeping. I quietly opened the door and walked out into the large hallway which was decorated with antique vases and pieces of art. The home was almost too perfect to be lived in.

As I walked down the tile stairs I heard a pair of hushed voices speaking in their native tongue. I knew nothing about the Italian language so none of it made sense to me. As I walked into the kitchen I saw Matteo and Vince, the man who opened the gate for us talking at the counter. Vince's brows were furrowed and fine lines formed on his forehead as he spoke with Matteo.

I stepped further into the kitchen and Vince immediately looked up at me and Matteo followed suit.

"Ah principessa!  Buon giornio!" He raised his hands and smiled.

"Sorry I hope I'm not interrupting, I couldn't sleep so I thought I could come down here and get some coffee or something" I smiled shyly as I just realized I had interrupted a tense conversation. Vince said nothing and stormed out of the room leaving just Matteo and I in the kitchen.

Matteo chuckled and looked at me "Loren, didn't Killian ever teach you not to interrupt a private conversation between two men?".

My face fell as I thought back to one of the first nights I had spent in Killian's apartment. I had walked downstairs to find Killian and Adam arguing and when Killian saw me he yelled at me to go back upstairs.

"Sorry" I apologized again and Matteo offered me a smile as the machine in front of him screeched as coffee poured into two tiny cups. He must have seen the face I made at the miniature cups because he started to laugh. "In Italia, we drink espresso. Not like the American coffee where you drink from big cups."

"Oh I see," I nodded my head

"Here, bring one up to Killian" He placed the small coffees on a plate and handed it to me. I thanked him as I took the plate and walked back upstairs. I opened the door to our room and Killian was sitting on the edge of the bed. His head shot up and he looked right at me. He was angry.

"Where did you go?" He questioned

"I just went downstairs to the kitchen. I couldn't sleep so I thought I would get you some coffee for when you wake up".

"Did you see anybody?" Why did he care if he saw anybody, Matteo said to make ourselves at home last night.

"Only Matteo and Vince"

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