Chapter 75: Old Rival

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Killian's POV

I glanced at the clock on my dash and read the time. It was four AM. If there was any chance of me finding Loren tonight, it would be here.

Adam had no luck finding her, there was practically nobody out on the streets now.

I stepped out of my car and shut the door as the crisp air wrapped itself around me. I let out a sharp breath and watched as my air turned into fog. Seattle had transitioned from Summer to Fall in what felt like overnight.

The leaves crunched underneath my shoes as I walked into the dimly lit park, only a few street lights dispersed along the pathway. As I arrived to the park bench I usually sat at and brought her to on our first date, an eery feeling crept over me. I looked around for anything unusual but found nothing... nobody.

I walked further into the park, scanning the grass, trees, and benches as I passed. To my left, just beside the fence I heard the crunch of some leaves. My head shot towards the sound that disturbed the eery silence and found a homeless man sitting beside one of the bushes.

"YOU! You're here to take more of us, aren't you!". The man yelled as he stood from his spot. His peppered beard jerked with every word and his grey eyes reflected against the moonlight.

"More of you?" I questioned as I stood in my place.

"YOU WERE JUST HERE! YOU TOOK THAT GIRL FROM THE BENCH AND NOW YOU'RE HERE TO TAKE THE REST OF US! Where's your friend, huh?" He pointed at our bench and stumbled towards me.

"No sir, I was not here. But I am looking for somebody and I'm afraid that girl that got taken is who I'm looking for. Can you tell me what happened?"

"You're lying" He mumbled and looked at the bench. "I saw it with my own eyes, you came up behind the poor girl while your fancy friend smothered her and dragged her away! Now you're going to do the same with me!! What did you do with Ian??"

I looked at the man dead in the eye. His pupils were enlarged and he stared right back at me. "You kept talking about killing Ian. Kill Ian! Kill Ian! That was all you guys said."

I broke my stare from the man and pulled out my phone, showing him a picture of Loren. He didn't even need to confirm that she was who he saw. As soon as I showed him, his eyes widened and his mouth opened. He started to mumble some words but wasn't able to from his intoxication, either from drugs or alcohol. "What kind of car did they take her in?" I questioned as he looked back up at me.

"Like that one" he whispered and pointed at my car on the street. At this point the man was stumbling towards me. "WHO DO YOU WORK FOR!!" He finally yelled and swung an arm at me. I had gotten everything I needed from him. The confirmation that Loren was here tonight.

I turned and jogged towards my car while he continued to stumble towards me, mumbling incoherent sentences.

"Come back her

As soon as I got inside, I started the engine and called Adam and Matteo.

Once I filled them in on what I had found, the line went silent.

"It had to be Trevor" Adam concluded. "This was planned, there's no doubt about that."

"God I wish I would've put a tracker in her or something" I sighed and rubbed my face as I returned to my apartment.

"We'll find her. We'll monitor all of Trevor's properties and activities." Matteo chimed in.

"I have no idea what Trevor's intentions are though. What does he want from Loren? I can only think that this is a way to get at me... like a lure of some sort. But then again, why wouldn't he just come get me himself. He knows where my office is. He knows where I live."

"He likes to see you struggle. He has always been like this Killian, the dude is sadistic as fuck. It would be too easy for him to just do whatever it is that he wants to do. He needed to take the most important thing from you.. and that was Loren." Adam reminded me of our university days. He was right.

Trevor always did everything that he could to make me struggle. I was always better than him at everything. Always had higher scores than him, always got the girls. He saw me as competition and made it his mission to be better than me, even if that meant cheating.

As soon as I got off of the phone with Adam and Matteo, I dialed my pilot. He wasn't happy to be woken up at such an early hour, but with the handsome amount I paid him, he had no right to be upset.

I gathered some items and quickly hopped into the shower. I was a complete mess from the night, but at least we were one step closer to finding my Doll. I couldn't even imagine how scared she was. I couldn't believe I let this happen again. It was all Vivian's fault. I still wondered if she played a part in this but shook my head of my thoughts. I needed to focus on finding Loren now, that was all that I cared about.

Within a few hours, my jet was starting it's ascent into L.A. I was going to pay my old rival a visit.

"Hi, How can I-... Sir do you have an appointment?? Sir I'm sorry but Mr. Daniels requires that you have an app-" The secretary called out from behind me as I stormed into Trevor's office.

"Killian East!" Trevor exclaimed and laughed as he stood from his desk.

"Where is she" I growled as I walked in.

"Who?" He cocked his head and raised an eyebrow.

"Don't play dumb with me Trevor. You know exactly who I'm talking about. Where is she!"

Trevor couldn't help but hold back a smile. I watched as he walked over to a bar cart by the window and poured himself a drink. He took a sip of the drink and slowly tapped his finger on the glass, trying to find his next words.

"You think that you can just barge in here and yell at me like this without even saying hello first?"

I narrowed my eyes at him and watched as he took another sip.

"Sit" He motioned at the chair that sat on the other side of his desk. I watched as he typed something into his phone and listened as the text sent. When I didn't make any motion towards the seat, Trevor looked up at me. "Okay then, stand" He rolled his eyes.

"Listen to me Trevor. I have men combing through all of your properties this second searching for Loren. Men who will kill anybody and anything that gets in their way, without a second thought. You can make this hard, or you can make this deadly. Just answer me on this, where is she?"

"You'll find out soon enough." His lips pressed into a fine line. I watched as his gaze moved upwards at something behind me.

Before I could even turn around, somebody placed a cloth over my nose and mouth. Careful not to breath anything in, I turned around to find a suited man standing behind me. Probably the man that the homeless man saw. I balled my hand into a fist and brought it up to the mans face until it slammed into his jaw. Blood sprayed against the floor and within second he too was on the floor.

Another suited man ran into the office and tried to swing a fist at me but I successfully blocked it. With one swift swipe of the leg, the other man was on the ground. This gave me enough time to turn back towards Trevor who was cowardly hiding behind his desk.

"It'll take a lot more than that" I huffed and turned back towards the office door.


Sorry I haven't updated recently!!! I caught a nasty cold so I haven't been feeling very well recently. So enjoy!!

Where is Loren?!

My ProtectorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang