Chapter 62: Cabin in the Woods

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Loren's POV

I checked my phone for the hundredth time as Adam drove over the mountain pass. 

"Checking your phone more won't make him text you faster" Adam joked as he looked in the rearview mirror. 

I sighed as I slid my phone under my leg. "I know." I responded softly as I watched the trees blur as we drove by.

"Babe leave her alone, she's barely heard from him since he left." Emma scolded Adam. "And don't act like you wouldn't be doing the same" She added and I giggled in response. 

Words couldn't describe how happy I was for the two of them. Even if Killian and I don't work, I hope they do and it's something that I'll forever be grateful for. Emma always had the worst trouble finding a good man, all they ever wanted from her was a fun night. She never acted like this bugged her but deep down I knew it did. 

I smiled as I listened to the two of them bicker. "You guys are like an old married couple" I joked and they both stopped. 

"Loren Richards I know you did not just call me old" Emma scowled and Adam burst out in laughter. 

We drove for an hour more until we emerged from the trees into a small bavarian looking town. Lights were strung along the buildings, illuminating small yet detailed paintings on their exteriors. 

"Woah" I whispered as I admired the tiny town.

"What a cute village!" Emma clapped he hands together she stared outside the window.

We left the town behind us as we continued on the road, the engine of the car roaring as Adam sped up, slowing only for the sharp curves ahead. A few minutes later we were arriving to a large cabin with a steep roof. The sound of the tires crunched over the gravel as we came to a stop. Emma and I immediately opened our doors and stretched simultaneously as we stepped out. 

There were no lights in sight and it was completely silent other than the quiet sound of water trickling from a river near by. 

"All right girls, welcome to your riverside oasis!" Adam grinned as he pulled our bags out of the car and up to the cabin. 

The warm dry air hugged my skin and gently pushed me up the stairs, to the newly built cabin. Adam unlocked the door and opened it to reveal a dark room, its cool air escaping. As I stepped farther into the cabin my heart jumped out of its chest. 

In front of me was the silhouette of a person on the couch, slightly outlined by the light entering the cabin from outside.

My body jolted backwards causing me to bump into Emma as she was walking through the door. My hand searched across the wall for a light switch and after what felt like too long, finally found one. I switched on the light and turned back around to see... nothing?

"Lori what are you doing??" Emma cried as she held her foot. I looked down at her foot and realized that I must have stepped on it in the process.

"Oh my god I'm sorry Em" I grabbed her arm and helped her as she limped to a chair.

"What's going on in here?" Adam asked as he rushed inside and Emma looked up at me. Her eyes were big and worried, her lips slightly opened as if she was about to say something. 

"I- I thought I saw someone on the couch" I confessed as I looked back over to the sofa, the figure no longer there. Emma and Adam followed my gaze and found nothing as well. 

"It might have just been the pile of blankets" Adam suggested as he pointed at the pile that sat on top of the couch. I nodded my head in response but couldn't help but shake off the uneasy feeling that sat in my stomach. I looked over at Emma who was now sliding her foot out of her sandal, blood dripping from her big toe. 

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