Chapter 43: Punishment pt. 1

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Once we got to the room Killian slammed the door behind him. I glanced at the full length mirror to find my hair a mess and my body covered in sand and early bruises. My eyes filled in tears before he even spoke.

"God" he breathed out after a few seconds and shook his head. "How foolish could you be?! Trying to make me jealous, flirting with some idiot college punks?!" I looked up at him to see him staring out the patio door. He knew what I was doing the whole time.

"I- It didn't seem to bother you when they first came up to me" I managed to croak out, instantly regretting my words. Killian slowly turned his head around and his body followed shortly after. His dark eyes remained on mine even when they diverted down to my feet. Slowly he walked back towards me and placed his finger tips on my chin, pulling it upwards, forcing eye contact.

"I don't get jealous over boys like that doll. I figured I'd let you have your fun, and then i'd have my own fun later". His eyes were still on mine and his lips were just inches away from mine. As soon as the words left his mouth my stomach turned over and a certain warmth spread over my body. I knew exactly what he meant by 'fun'.

"I- I- I'm sorry" I whispered, frozen in place.

"It's a little too late for an apology now, doll. Now get in the shower." he whispered back and I quietly obeyed.

I was halfway expecting him to follow me but to my surprise, he didn't. I turned the shower onto the hottest setting and stepped in allowing the water to sear my skin. While rinsing the conditioner out of my hair I heard the bathroom door open and close a few short seconds later. He must have just been checking on me, I thought.

About thirty minutes later I shut off the water and squeezed the water out of my hair. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my hair in a towel and my body in a robe. On the counter I noticed a pile of clothes, a pair of gold metal balls attached by a string on top of it.

"What in the world" I whispered and picked up the balls, heavy for their size.

I set the balls down on the counter and they made a small buzzing noise. Underneath it was a black silk dress, seemingly too small for my body. I pair of diamond earrings and a gold necklace were laid out next to the clothes. Carefully folding the dress I put the balls back on top of them and stepped out of the bathroom to Killian sitting in one of the arm chairs.

He looked me up and down before raising an eyebrow at me. "Did you miss the clothes I set out for you?" he asked.

"Um," I thought out loud, "If by clothes you mean tiny dress, um, yes I saw it" I responded nervously.

"Then why didn't you put it on?" he asked sternly but confused.

"You, uh, forgot the rest of the clothes."


"Yes," I responded as I dug through my suitcase for underwear.

He didn't respond but once his eyes fell to the black thong I held in my hand and a smirk grew on his face. "Oh, I must have".

Without another word I returned to the bathroom and shut the door.

What the hell

I dried off my body and hair, giving it a quick blow dry and straighten. Once ready, I slipped into the small silk dress that surprisingly fit my body perfectly. It hugged my curves in the most flattering way and scooped at my breasts exposing some of the cleavage. I put on the gold necklace and earrings and looked at myself in the mirror. Somehow the clothes that Killian got me always fit me so perfectly, it was like he measured my body every night in my sleep.

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