Chapter 61: Operation Make Loren Smile

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Emma's POV

"Lori, come on, you can't just mope around the apartment the whole time Killian is gone. It's already been a week" I tried to talk as sternly as possible as I brought in some orange juice and fruits for Loren who was still laying in bed. At 12:30 PM. 

I rolled my eyes as I watched her turn over in bed and cover her face with a pillow. So she was going to make this difficulty for me. I sat the food down on the nightstand and picked up the remote for the blinds, pressing 'up' for each section. Loren groaned again as the summer sunlight shined into the cave of a bedroom. 

"Don't make me channel my inner mom, Lori" I threatened as I grabbed the foot of the comforter. I hated it when my mom would do this as a child and I knew that Loren hated it too. Which was why I threatened her with it. 

"Ugh FINE" She groaned one more time and threw the pillow off of her face. 

"There's my pretty girl!" I praised and clapped as I plopped myself beside her. "Here" I offered her the fruit and she unwillingly took it. I texted Adam while she ate.

You can now consider Operation Get Loren to Eat complete. 😌🎉 

Nice work Babe. Onto Operation Get Loren to Her Appointment. 🙂

Wish me luck with that. 😩 I'm going to have to drag her out of bed!!!

I set my phone down and ignored it when it buzzed again on the nightstand. I needed to find an outfit for this girl to change into before she went back to bed. I needed to find something that would make her feel good and confident. Once I picked out a cute pair of cutoff shorts and a white off the shoulder top, I returned to the bedroom to a site I didn't want to see. 

"I swear to God Loren. I have been nothing but patient with you in this last week so if you don't get out of that bed right now..." I huffed as I stomped towards the bed. "Look at me. Killian is coming back right?" She nodded her head. "Okay so why are we acting like he's dead?". 

"Ughhhh Emma you're sounding like Melissa" Loren groaned and got out of bed. 

"Well I was sounding a lot like Emma until you pushed me like this!!!" I exclaimed in defense. As much as I loved Melissa, she was the uptight goody two shoes of the group and I NEVER wanted to be like that. I grinned when I saw Loren walking towards the bathroom. "And take a shower while you're in there!! You stink!" I joked and she just shook her head. 

I walked back to the bed and scrolled through the plans Adam had given me the night prior. I was going to take Lori to get her hair done at 2:00 PM and then we were going to meet Adam for a little weekend getaway once he was done with work before I had to go back to New York. 

George, Killian's butler had already packed Loren a bag and Edward had a car waiting for us. I smiled when I looked up to see Loren emerging from the bathroom wearing a completely different outfit, way better than what I had originally chosen. She wore blue high waisted jeans with a black cropped satin blouse that tied around her chest. 

"Lookin' like a bad bitch!!!" I cheered and all of the blood in her body instantly rushed to her cheeks. 

"Okay let's go, it's already two and we got somewhere to be" I clapped my hands as if to tell her to hurry up and pranced out of the room. 

"Where are we going?" She asked as she walked down the stairs behind me. 

"It's a surprise" I turned around and winked at her before swinging back around down the stairs. 

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