Chapter 60: Off to Chicago

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Loren's POV

"How long will you be gone for again?" I asked as I watched Killian pack his suitcase, a site that I had never watched before. 

"I'm not sure Doll," He responded while folding up his white shirts. 

Killian was going to see his Father in Chicago to learn the ropes about his business. I had asked once what he did and Killian went off on some tangent, I still wasn't sure what the business was. 

"Hopefully not too long" I sighed and looked over at his shoes. Multiple dress shoes were lined up along the shelves, all different shades of black and brown, shine levels, and stitching. I was browsing through the black shoes when Killian came over and interrupted me. 

"I didn't know you had such a fascination in men's shoes" He joked and pulled a few pairs down. 

"I- I don't" I muttered, "I'm just looking for a specific pair."

"Of mine?" He questioned and scrunched his face

"No," I giggled. "Do you know anything about black shoes with red stitching?" I turned and asked him. Killian thought for a second before shaking his head and responding. 

"You mean like red bottoms?" 

"No Killian, I know what Louboutin's are. I mean red stitching around where the leather meets the rubber part" 

After a few more seconds Killian shook his head again. "I've never heard of those. Why?" 

"I just... right after I was hit on the head in London, I remember lifting my head up and seeing shiny black dress shoes with red stitching. And while I was talking to Wesley, he said that the only thing that he could remember about his boss was that he wore shiny black shoes with red stitching." 

"Loren, why didn't you ever tell me this?" Killian asked as he put down what he was holding and stared at me. 

"I, I don't know.." I paused and looked down at the shoes. "I guess I didn't really think that it was that big of a deal since they were just shoes" I shrugged. 

"'ll have Val look into it. But I don't know of any designers or shoemakers who do that." He pulled me into a warm hug and held me tight, loosening his hold after a few seconds. "I'm going to miss you" He whispered and kissed the top of my head. 

"I know, I'll miss you too" I pouted and burrowed my face into his chest, taking in a deep breath, inhaling his scent one more time. 

I helped Killian finish packing and after what felt like hours, his bags were ready to go. I watched from the doorway as he brought the bags out to the top of the stairs and walk back to our room. I wished so badly that I could go with him but we decided that it would be best that I don't. 

I was going to use this time to study for my test and prepare for school. Something that I loved about Killian was that as much despite how much he insisted on providing for me and never letting me work another day in my life, he fully supported my dream of becoming a doctor. He was willing to do whatever it took for my dream to come true, even if that meant paying my way into school, which was an idea I quickly shut down. Not only was that unethical but has he not seen the recent news about Aunt Becky from Full House?!

"I don't have to leave until tonight, how about another day in the city and dinner at Marty's?" He leaned at the other side of the doorway. "We'll go shopping and you know, all of that fun stuff." He offered me one of his rare yet charming smiles which he knew I couldn't say no to. Even though all I wanted to do was mope around and lay in bed all day with him. 

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