Chapter 68: Contaminated

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Loren's POV

"So Rennie, what was your favorite part of your vacation?" My dad asked as we sat at the kitchen table, eating breakfast together for the last time before I left back for Seattle. 

"Being with you of course!" I smiled through a mouth full of pancakes.

"Oh I thought you would've said the sunshine!" My dad joked as the daily thunderstorm passed through. 

'So this boy of yours, Killian?" My dad started and I nodded. "He treat you good?"

"Yes daddy, he treats me like a princess. It's honestly unreal"

"Hm" my dad nodded and continued to sip on his coffee. 

"What" I raised an eyebrow at him. I knew him well enough to know that whenever he hummed and stayed quiet, there was something he was holding back. 

"Do you think he might be hiding something from you? Is showering you in all of these extravagant gifts and trips to try and distract you from something?" 

I set my coffee cup down on the table and sat back in my chair. "No," I responded and gently shook my head. "I don't think he'd do that"

I don't think he would? Or I knew he wouldn't? My dads question was valid and was something that never actually crossed my mind. But Killian wouldn't do that, he wouldn't lie to me. He was just as in love with me as I was with him. 

Besides, what would he even hide from me? We have practically been inseparable since we returned from London. 

My dad nodded in response and smiled. "Well then, I think you two are very lucky to have each other. I'm bummed out I couldn't meet him this week but being a successful businessman like him I'm sure he's quite busy." 

"Trust me, he wishes he was here" I patted my dad on the back as I grabbed our plates off of the table. As I was washing the dishes I heard a knock coming from the living room. It was probably Warren coming to pick me up for my flight in a few hours. 

"I've got it Ren, leave the dishes there I'll take care of them! You've got to get going."

"Okay okay," I wiped my hands off and followed my dad to the living room where Warren was grabbing my bags. 

"Are you sure you don't want to come? I'm sure Warren wouldn't mind bringing you back?" I suggested as my eyes started to water.

"I've got an appointment in an hour Ren, otherwise I would" My dad pulled me into a tight hug as he apologized. 

We said our good byes as I tried my hardest to hold back the tears. I never wanted my dad to see me cry again, especially after what happened with Bryce. The amount of tears I shed after that was enough to fill the pool in his backyard. 

I waved goodbye as Warren drove away from his house and I pulled out my phone to text Killian that I was on my way to the airport. He had been more responsive to my texts since the nightmare I had the other night. 

Once I had finally passed through the security check I rushed through the airport to my gate. My flight back to Seattle had moved up twenty minutes and I had just a few more to go until they started boarding. 

I finally reached my gate as people started to walk through onto the plane. Out of breath, I entered the line, digging through my purse for my boarding pass. Eventually I got through and slumped back into my seat as I settled in. I pulled my phone out to text Adam to make sure he would pick me up on time but paused when I read a text from Killian.

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