Chapter 58: Under the Table

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WARNING: 18+ content at the end of the chapter. I will put a *** where the content starts. If you are not 18+ or do not want to read it, please skip!

Loren's POV:

It had been a month since returning to Seattle and things had never gone back to normal. But how could it? We still had no idea what had happened to Wesley and therefore I had no idea if they just killed him and were trying to cover up or if he was a threat again. Could we even trust what he had said? How can we tell the difference between truth and lie?

Killian and Adam had been spending more time at the office meanwhile Emma had stayed in New York, visiting us every weekend thanks to Adam.

I sat in the kitchen swirling my cup of orange juice as I wondered what I wanted to do today. It was turning into Summer here in Seattle so the sun was shining over the still snow covered mountains. I decided that something that might distract me from this harsh reality was to start preparing to apply to medical school again. I gathered my iPad and packed it into a bag followed by one of my MCAT books and a few colorful highlighters.

I'll go back to my favorite cafe. I smiled to myself as I remembered their delicious croissants and rushed to the elevator, only to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

Crap. I was still in my pajamas. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I set my bag down and went back to our room. In the closet I picked a plain white shirt and some cutoff denim shorts. I picked out one of Killian's black sweatshirts to wear over top in case it got chilly and returned back out to the elevator.

I sat in my Jeep for the first time in what felt like months and headed to the cafe, double checking to make sure I had my wallet.

I wrapped my hair into a bun at the top of my head and rolled my windows down while simultaneously turning the volume of the radio up, Beautiful Mistakes by Maroon 5 playing on the radio.

After pulling into a spot near the cafe, I fed the meter with my coins and walked inside. Nothing had changed since I was here last. I ordered a latte and croissant before looking for the perfect spot to study. I sat my stuff down at the leather couch where I first sat waiting for Killian to meet me for our first date.

I smiled as I recalled the fond memory. I opened my iPad and book and started to read, time passing by quickly as I flipped through the pages. i listened as the cafe door opened and a soft breeze made it's way inside, sending the scent of bergamot and pepper to my nose. Dior Sauvage, I thought as I scrunched my nose. The ultimate fuckboy scent.

I pulled the fabric of Killian's sweatshirt up to my nose, his scent comforting me.

"Must be a good book" a handsome voice observed across from me. I glanced up to look for where the voice came from and made eye contact with a pair of bright blue eyes. "You look really invested" he observed again and chuckled.

"Oh, um, just biology" I laughed nervously and patted the book.

"Still important" he shrugged his shoulder and held his hand out.

"Ryan" he offered me a crooked smile, revealing perfectly white teeth. His hair was a light brown and neatly parted on the side. He wore well fitted black slacks and a smooth white button down, not unusual for the city. I looked down and noticed a large silver watch with a blue face wrapped around his right wrist as I shook his hand in response.


"Like Lauren?" He laughed

"No, like Luh-Ren" I corrected him and pressed my lips in a flat line, unamused by his attempt to incorrectly pronounce my name.

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